Local gun store showing improper use of VersaCarry


New member
So I just need to vent about one of our LGS has to be staffed by either the least informed or least caring individuals I've met lately.

I saw them trying to sell a man a 'versa carry' for OWB carry of a commander size 1911. How you just clip it to your belt and it holds ur pistol for you. Mainly I mind my business but this was just out right wrong and dangerous information. First this thing relies on the pressure of your belt against your body to hold the firearm in place without it the gun and twist and rotate and otherwise flop around and fall off.

Tied with this issue is this leaves the entire trigger exposed if carried in this way to ANY outside source be it your finger, someone elses, or heck even a stick or seatbelt buckle if this thing was outside the waistband. I doubt it would retain a pistol if you needed to JOG briefly.

I spoke to the man (I had worked with him for a few weeks a couple of summers ago) they tried to sell it to and explained to both him and the clerk the correct way to use it. And if you carry your gun like the clerk recommended it odds are It will fall off and go sliding to places unknown or heaven forbid discharge.

The clerk scoffed and heckled me generally told me I was a foolish young person. (polite version) :confused: but man Idk if I could've just walked away from all that misinformation especially if someone can wind up hurt, in trouble with the law or even killed.

So anyways I know most of you guys could figure out its intended use no problem, personally I don't like the thing regardless but just a heads up some people could be carrying like this. :eek:
I could see the thumb safety being disengaged by rubbing up against one's side, the grip safety gets bunched up against clothing, and then the hair trigger SAO sends 230 grains of hollowpoint into one's knee at +P speeds.

This thing is idiotic. Agree that it's worthless for SAO or trigger safety guns.
Did you immediately speak to his manager to insure he was fired?

No while I have a fair relation with the owner of the store. His workers are his group of good ol' boys so I doubt its worth making waves.
LOL - "foolish young person" - don't you know all young people are stupid, ignorant and foolish until they are 57. Then they are a stupid, ignorant, foolish OLD person. :D :D
Likely the holster came with some instructions, perhaps even a diagram.

At what age do us guys start to actually read instructions? :p

Bart Noir
Who probably nodded off and missed that particular age in his life.