Loads for 9.3x72R

A freind of mine had a beautiful old Drilling 16 over 9.3X72R The barrel is Krupp Nitro Proofed. He has has bullets and Brass for the rifle barrel but has no load information with modern powders. Can Anybody help?
Ray, The only data I could find was in the Handloader's Manual of Cartridge Conversions;

Lists a 193gr. RN bullet, 39grs. Ball-C2.
Don't know if this is a MAX load but would be inclined to approach it as if it was.Does not state if jacketed or lead bullet.

It also states not to confuse it with the 9.3X72R Sauer.

Found loads for a 9.3X74R in the SPEER manual which states it is the Smokeless Powder updated version of your cartridge.

You may want to use some real caution before attempting smokeless loads.

Wish I could find more..........
9.3 x 72R?? That is a very unusual cartridge indeed, although most commonly found in Drillings, as your friend's.

DON'T use the old brass: it is very likely to be weakened by the use of corrosive powder and/or mercuric primers.

If your friend insists on firing this valuable antique, take it to a gunsmith and have it thoroughly inspected and approved.

DON'T try to handload it; the grief of finding data and new brass isn't worth it (remember it is most likely Berdan primed anyway).

If he absolutely, positively has to fire his Drilling, Dynamite/Nobel still makes factory cartridges, $65 for 20, but it is a small price to pay for guaranteed quality ammo, and how much is he going to shoot it, anyway?

The price of brass, dies, etc. simply isn't worth it. This is a big game cartridge, remember, and not useful for most other forms of shooting.

Here is the URL for D/N: http://www.dnrws.com/p676.htm

All good points. And he has no intention of shooting it much. He does however have in possession (the came with the Drilling) Some older brass, plus new unprimed brass bullets factory soft points and a few leads, and a mold. And he has found a source for the Bedan primmers.
The weapon has been checked by gunsmith in that collects Drillings himself. The Gunsmith prononced the weapon fit to fire and stated that as the weapon had been used, before he purchased it that it would not hurt to shoot the weapon again. He had no load data for the Cartrige however.
I belive My friends intent is to load the new brass with a good midrange load, and then will probabley only shoot the weapon rarely.
I do thank you for the comments and sound advise and I will forward it to him. If he was on the web he would be talking to you himself.
Any further help in load Data, and other advise will be past along, with both my friend's,and my gratitude.
OK, if you friend insists on this most dubious of activities, here is a source for new brass:

The only source of data for reloading was an obscure reference to the Feb. 1991 Handloader Magazine, p. 21
You may contact the publishers and see if they can furnish you a reprint:

Hldr-"Handloader", Wolfe Publishing Company, 6471 Airpark DR.,
Prescott, AZ 86301. Phone:602-445-7810.

Of course, I presume that you have already done the thing that should be done first with any firearms question: contact the NRA. If not, do so. Walt
to add to Contender's information. Vihtavouri lists the 9.3x74R. Go to www.lapua.com/vihtavouri for info.