Load'in the 44 Mag Heavy??

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Hello. Please forgive me if this isn't right. My husband got tired of waiting on this 14.4 modem and stormed off-but I know he's tying to know this before he shoots. He is loading the 300 bullets in his Ruger but the ones he purchased are..Too long? Seirra bullets. He's got them in the groove but says that makes them too long to trust the laod data? Anyone understand. I hope cause I'm going to use this info like a fox!
luckyned, I haven't seen the bullets from Sierra in question. I have enountered "too long" bullets for my Smith .44 and my Ruger SBH. You don't specify which Ruger.

Also, I'm puzzled about the statement that the bullets are "too long for the data" A cartridge might be too long to chamber--my problem with some long .44 bullets when seated properly, but "too long for the data" puzzles me.

If a bullet is seated deeper into the case than normal, it can cause sudden and dramatic, often dangerous, pressure rises. Is that what he means? If they are crimped "in the groove" (I assume you mean bullet cannelure), how is he determining that they are too long. Is he measuring overall length?

Traditionally, bullets are crimped in the cannelure, so we might assume that Sierra placed it in the right place. But, actually, we need more data to really discern the problem.

Sierra has techs available with very generous phone hours at their 800 number. I'd give them a call. I'm sure they can tell you what's up. I'm also sure they'll want to get you fixed up on this.
I think I know what may be causing the confusion with the Sierra 300 JSP bullets. Most loading manuals say the max OAL is 1.610 for the 44 Magnum. But the Sierra 300, when crimped in the cannelure will be a lot longer than that. Going to the source, Sierra's Infinity CD manual, they say that bullet should have an OAL of 1.735. Most 44 Magnum chambers are around 1.750 in length, so the longer rounds should work fine in them. Hope this helps.

Like Rod, I also encourage you to call Sierra with any questions. One thing I learned long ago is to never, never ignore your instincts when it comes to reloading. If something seems wrong, it probably is. Loading manuals are checked and double checked, but some misprints do make it through the cracks.
THANKS FOLKS! You should have seen his face when he returned home. I told him that his 300 jsp from Seirra should give him an OAL of 1.735 which is still gives plenty of room in his Ruger Bisley..his face got all distorted!! You hit on the head. He was worried about the books 1.610 OAL and worried about the load data still being correct. I don't do the laundry SUNDAY!
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