load stand


New member
I have a 70's lyman/uberti rem 36 nma that has been giving me function problems due to fouling. T7 is the powder. I had some mutton tallow on hand that I tried as an “over projectile lube”. I already was using a lubed felt wad. The tallow worked great, I will have to give crisco a try. Removing the cylinder to drop powder and apply the tallow seems to simplify the loading operation. Now I am looking into a loading stand, the one by Dick Dastardly looks interesting since it can be used with a 36/44 and the ruger oa. DD's stand is $100 at the website. Google did not come up with many alternatives, any insights on the stand? Thanks
The Tower of Power is great, we use one all the time. Folks also have good things to say about the one from Powder Inc.

As for Crisco and Tallow, stick with the Tallow, mix in some beeswax to stiffen it up some. Crisco is a mess. I assume you're wanting to lubricate the cylinder pin every so often? You can even use bore butter, which is just 5 parts extra virgin olive oil and 1 part beeswax.
lubing the pin is another added feature of removing the cylinder for loading. how is the dd unit for transporting to use at the range? I have some beeswax, how much should i add to the the tallow?
The TOP DD loader is pretty nice!! I have one and was really surprised at it's small compact size when I got it. The loader appears much larger in the pictures for some reason. For range loading, you can get one of those cheap squeeze clamps and clamp it to the bench...much easier than trying to hold it steady.
The TOP stands just a tad over 7 inches high, it's not big at all, doesn't need to be.

Our summer recipe for over the ball lube is 5 parts tallow, 4 parts beeswax and 2 parts extra virgin olive oil. We use this interchangeably to clean and lubricate the sixguns with bore butter. This results in a creamy mixture that's stiff enough to keep each chamber covered as the six shooter is fired.
I have the Powder Inc cylinder loader and it has worked good for me, also you can load .36 cals with it. there is a little threaded brass attachment on the lever that stripped on me, but it wasnt a big deal. and the lever is not going to bend like the cheapo traditions one is famous for doing. i put a little crisco over the top of the chambers on my loaded cylinder and its messy, but i think it keeps the fouling soft.
check this vid out:


You can make combustible paper cartridges from cigarette paper that is way cheaper than getting a cylinder loader, and it makes for faster loading at the range. I'm going to start doing that.

Hope this helps you!
the pi loader looks good. i sent them an email to inquire about a postal money order, i can't imagine it is a problem. i fooled with paper cartridges, decided to pass on them. meanwhile, i will be cooking up sd's lube mix today, might need to add some extra oil for winter shooting. i have both the 36 rem nma in the lyman/uberti and pietta versions, i find the uberti a slightly smaller package and that makes a better carry gun for my purposes.
When I ordered my Tower of Power, Dick sent the adapters for .44s, .36s and .31s in both Colt and Remington styles as they have different arbors. He custom ground the cylinder pin and ball rammer for our Palmetto Remington New Model Pocket to the exact measurements I provided him, for a couple extra bucks, well worth it!