Load development 6.5 Creedmoor 147 grain ELD MATCH


New member
Have had some great experience with the 140 grain and now moving to the 147. Rifle is a Savage 110 heavy barrel tactical model. I’d like to hear your experiences with the 147 and loads that have worked for you.
If your asking about actual reloads and recipes this should be moved to the Reloading section. If just about what commercial loads or if the 147s in general work decent in your gun then the answer is : every gun is different and will tell you if it likes a certain bullet or not. Buy a box and shoot is the best advice. I will say that the Creedmoor was developed using the 140 grain and seems that everyones rifles can shoot them real good. The 147s shoot great for my Ruger RPR but my 140 loads are lights out.
I can't get them to work for me.
They keep dropping through the neck. I've all but stood on the press handle trying to get the neck smaller.
Then when i get to the range, they rattle around and fall out the end of the barrel. :eek:
Grouping about 1ft diameter about at 18".

Gun is custom Mauser in 284 Win. :D
My Bergarra will shoot the 140's but they don't settle down until around 200 yards then they open back up around 400. I dropped back to the 129g and I'm getting good groups out to 600 yards, (furthest I've shot it). I personally think you're going in the wrong direction but give it a try and see what happens. That's the only way to know for sure.
Half to three quarter MOA shooting from a sand bag, or bipod with rear stock support in my Mod 12 FV heavy barrel. The best loads use Hornady or Star Line brass. CCI bench rest primers, 8208 XBR for powder. Hornady 147 grain ELD-Match bullets. Seated to magazine length. Full length resized.

My fave on the go to loads is 130 Grain ELD-Match using Reloader15 powder, and CCI bench rest primers.
I have three Savage 6.5mm Creedmoor rifles and two of the three actually shoot very accurately with 147 gr Hornady ELD-Ms. They also shoot very accurately with 142 Sierra SMKs.

The other one prefers 130 gr TMKs and 140 ELD-Ms.

I believe it is a barrel-by-barrel preference thing and you can't predict what a particular barrel will like.