Live in the great state of Tennessee?


If you do, are you interested in a get-together to shoot your favorite firearms?

I'm in Middle Tennesse...
okay I know you posted this a few months back, but I just now came across it. I'm in Murfreesboro, and places to shoot here are few and far between... if got the spot, I got the time. Thanks, and keep up The Fight!!!


in EAST (by God) Tennessee. But I do travel out of state occasionally (To Nashboro, to see UT wup Vandy every other year!).

Yr. Obt. Svnt.

I'm in East Tennessee regularly, and not just in the fall, if you know what I mean. :cool:


That's wise. I suggest an intermediate step; meet your fellow TFL'ers at a show and size them up. ;)

Fellow mid-staters...

There are *two* shows next weekend; one at the Nashville fairgrounds and one at the I-24 Expo Center [exit 66].

A group of us will be getting together and I'll be co-ordinating meeting time and place inside the show(s).
Anyone interested should drop me an e-mail!
IDPA Match this Weekend, IPSC next.

but aren't there matches in Manchester? I'll try to make one this year.
Zander, I live in Smyrna and will probably go to the Expo center next weekend. If you come up with a time let me know and I will try to be there.
STEVE and Borf...

Looks like we'll have quite a contingent; I'll probably try to visit both shows. :)

Likely the Goodman [fairgrounds] show in the morning and the Pope show [Expo Center] after lunch.

I'll keep everyone advised via this thread...
I'll keep everyone advised...

OK, TFL'ers...'ten-hut!

Here's the drill for this Saturday, 17Mar2001:

Meet at the Goodman show at the Nashville fairgrounds; it will be in one of two buildings to the north of the racetrack. Look for the covered 'Gun Show' booth to buy your entrance ticket [$6].

I'll be there at opening, 0900, and will rendezvous with the rest of you at the snack bar at 0930; I/we will be meeting others at the O'Charley's [adjacent to the I-24 Expo Center where the Pope show is being held] for lunch at 1200.

I have other commitments starting at 1600; the show will close at 1700.

If you need directions or other advice, please e-mail me.

See my post in the 'BST-Handguns' for what I'll be offering [yep, TFL'ers get a discount :cool:]; I encourage you to add info on anything you have or want.

Looking forward to a good turnout on Saturday...see you there!
Gun Range at Cheatham Wildlife Mangement Area

Anybody else out there shoot at the free public range at the Cheatham Wildlife Mangement Area west of Nashville? This is where I shoot.

Spelling Correction

To paraphrase Muhammad Ali: "I said I was the greatest; I didn't say I was the best speller or typist."

In my haste, I made a typo on Cheatham Wildlife MANAGEMENT Area.

As long as we've got a thread we can talk Nashville in without disturbing the others, where do you guys shoot locally?

We've got:

Gun City USA (indoor 15yd range, $15.00 flat fee)
Cheatham WMA (details?)

Where else (I've only lived here ~2 mos)?
From Knoxville

Oak Ridge-Oak Ridge Sportsman's Association IPSC this Sunday.

Andersonville--Indian Gap Gun Club. IDPA Fourth Saturday of each month.

Fairygut--Hickory Creek Range. IPSC First Saturday of each month.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.

Greenville--Tac2. IDPA Second Saturday of each month
RE: Cheatham WMA...'s my home range. :cool:

Don't go to Gun City because the owner(s) have *such* an attitude and the range is dark, poorly ventilated and expensive.

There is Owl Hollow Gun Club down near Franklin; $30/yr. was the last price I heard.

Are you guys coming to the show Saturday morning?

If so, we'll compare notes...

...there's a range in Farragut besides Guncraft Sports?


I'll try to e-mail you and perhaps we can swap phone numbers and/or cross paths the next time I'm in K-town.
Owl Hollow is my home range. At least until I can afford to buy my own property. It's not the greatest , but the price is right ($30 a year is correct). There is also a club up near Gallatin, but all of the people I have meet who were members where also snobs and wouldn't give me the time of day about joining. ( hope they are not all like that.)
Well, poop! I won't be able to make it to the show for the first time in several months - going away for the weekend to celebrate mom's b-day. (If I don't, I'm going to be in deep, deep trouble!) Will make it to April's show, hopefully.

I went to Gun City USA only once - they seemed friendly enough but the place looked like the most poorly stocked place I've ever been in. I was looking for a shooting range, but the one there seemed really....nasty.
I live in Smyrna, but my two favorite ranges are 64 and 65 miles away.

One is in Viola and costs $5 a day or (I think) $100 a year. It has a handgun range, a rimfire silhouette range, a sporting clays course, and rifle ranges up to 300 yards.

The other is in Hickman County near Wrigley and includes a handgun range and a rifle range up to about 200 yards.

Both of these ranges are owned by good guys. For me, they're worth the drive.
You know, I think we should have exchanged emails to find out what the others looked like :) I got to the snack bar ~ 9:35ish... waited around kinda hoping to see a Molon Labe hat or somesuch:) What is it with gun/computer shows the last couple of years? Used to be a place to get a *deal*, or some really unusual item/accessory... now it is just a collection of stuff at retail or higher prices. Maybe I'm just bitter about not finding a Makarov:)