live in NJ bought airgun rifle in PA...LEGAL?


I live in NJ and don't have a FID card. I purchased a .177 spring airgun rifle at Cabelas in PA. Am I allowed to shoot it on my private property (Farm) without any trouble. Am I even allowed to own It legally without a FID card. Its pretty loud...sounds like a .22
No sir, to legally posess it in our lovely state you need the FID, its treated as a typical firearm. Dont get caught with it is my only advice sinec you already bought it. Get paper work started for the FID. Dont tell them what you did however just say you want to be able to purchase..

If you want it quieter do not use the steel ammo use the norm old school lead its alot quieter...and you should be fine as long as noone has a reason to call 911 on ya ;)
kx, I have never seen steel pellets. they have the non lead but it isn't steel I don't think. Most "springers" are not designed to fire bb's and do not have the magnet on the "bolt" that pump up kiddy rifles have.

They are all pretty loud but usually it is more of a "bonk" sound rather than the "CRACK" of a firearm... The exception is with excessive oil behind the pellet or in the cylinder section. If it is present, the rifle can and does "diesel". This is exactly as the name implies... The compression of air reaches a high enuff ratio that it actually ignites the oil just like a diesel engine does...

At this time, it will sound like a .22 or larger complete with smoke out of the muzzle. At night you may actually see the "muzzle flash".
Many of these rifles can be damaged if this happens so it is not wise to do it intentionally.

I am using regular pointed 8.2 grain lead RWS pellets. I am not using the PBA ones designed for improved FPS. This gun is still new..About 50 shots through it so far. When I break the barrel to reload there is some smoke exiting the breech. I have this gun.... Thanks for the help everyone. I can't believe NJ is so darn strict. I remember when I was a kid loading my BB gun and shooting in my backyard all day long. I am 35 now, I guess things have changed. I will get that FID card so there are no problems. Gonna put the gun away until then.
I was refering to the PBA ones, i thought they were steel, guess brent cough me ;)

you live on a farm so im assuming noone is around for a decent amount of area so i would say still go enjoy using it just be ready to throw it in the bushes and say your working on something, you shouldnt have any problems but still get rolling on the paper work.
Here in NJ one can't even sneeze without their FID! I was amazed that I had to show it to even handle a firearm at a store recently and I've been a regular customer of said store for years.

Get the ID and while you're at it, if you are planning on staying in New Germany, get yourself some 'real' guns before you possibly can't without a long list of legal and paperwork hassles.
NJ is a strange duck. If you buy a firearm LEGALLY in different state then move to NJ you do NOT have to get a FID for those guns. However, once your residence is NJ, you must have FID to buy any firearm... Including air type guns. (barring paintball guns and I believe airsoft guns that shoot those plastic bb's)

Long story short if you bought while living in NJ you need a FID.
At this time, it will sound like a .22 or larger complete with smoke out of the muzzle. At night you may actually see the "muzzle flash".
Many of these rifles can be damaged if this happens so it is not wise to do it intentionally.


Brent is correct, it is not wise...but it is fun!:p