LIVE, from the stand, 2015-2016 Edition


New member
Since Brian Pflueger is no longer around to start this thread, and in honor of the rifle deer opener in Missouri, here is a place u can pass the time and share the play by play for those so inclined.

Been in the stand about an hour now with my 10 year old son. We ran off a fork and young 6 point pulling in, and since had another young 6 and 4 does front of the stand at about 250 yards, but no good shot provided.

Been quiet now for about 20 mins. Hearing a shot about every 5 mins from different directions, all distant.

We are set up in private land, overlooking about 80 acres of harvested corn, with hardwood all around. Winds are about 45 degrees off forecast, which was not optimum for this stand.
Well, that was pretty much it for the morning hunt. Didn't see anything else from the stand. Went in and ran some errands for the wife and around noon had a 3X4 try to commit suicide by Z71 as I was driving to the base. Saw another 2 does standing in a bean field around 12:20. Guess they were moving late today.

So, back at it again this afternoon with the 12 year old son. The 10 year old was a little put out that he wasn't the lucky one for the afternoon hunt.

Wind is behaving more, but easily gusting to 15. Same field, same stand. We will see what happens.
Just had a fork or small 6 step out at 250 yards. Too small for this county. 4 point one 1 side min. Oh well. At least my 12 year old got excited, and since they are starting to move in the magic hour, maybe we will get lucky!
And then suddenly, 6 does step out at 60 yards. I let them move around a bit and the largest mature doe separated from the group and closed to 36 yards on the rangefinder. She took a slight turn left, giving me a quartering away shot behind the right shoulder. Bang flop with the Hornady 6.8 SPC 120 grain SST. 12 year old is jumping for joy.
Awesome, I love these... The end of 2013 was my last hunt.
I pulled the nightshift on "live from the stand"

What happened to Brian? 2013 was a bad year for me. I missed a lot.
Post mortem showed the bullet entered about 1.5 inches further aft than I wanted, and the angle was more quartering away than it appeared. The bullet went through the liver and right lung, went over top of the heart, but cut some arteries before exiting square through the middle of the chest, all of this with a slight down angle between entry and exit.

The really strange thing I have not witnessed before is the entry wound. I looked all over her right side for an entry, but could not see one! When we picked her up to throw her in the truck, I got a lot of blood from the exit wound. Upon gutting her, I found the entry through a rib. It created a golf ball sized divit you could feel through the fur as it obliterated the rib in that spot.

Thickest coat on a doe I've seen yet! And fat, my goodness! I was pulling handfuls of it out of the abdominal cavity above the intestines!

Just finished dropping it off at the processors. Should have some brats, breakfast and summer sausage, tenderloins, and a bunch of ground in a couple weeks. Can't wait!

I'll try to get a picture in once I figure out how to do it right.
Our opening day was quite a bit less exciting than last year when we saw around 20 does and almost a dozen different bucks. The deer took a hit from disease and according to the bunny cops, the population is down by 50%. We saw 9-11 bucks up to 1PM when we had to quit hunting to retrieve my big 8 point and get him to the processor. While I was doing that, Son hit a big buck that headed for a bad spot just before dark. He left the trail and we returned this morning. After some searching a very fortunate discovery of a few blood spots, we located the buck. Unfortunately the coyotes must have found him not long after he died and ate about 80% of the carcass. Guess they saved Son a taxidermy bill as this is definitely a wall hanger. Probably clean the skull up and do a European mount.
All that was left of the carcass was part of the neck and one front shoulder that was inaccessible because the antlers got hung up in a fence preventing the varmints from rolling the ribcage over. I don't know how many yoties it takes to eat 100-120# of deer meat plus all the entrails in 10-12 hours but I'm guessing at least a dozen(maybe more).
Ok, back at it in the same stand with my 8 year old daughter in the deer woods the first time. Based on my remaining either sex tag, I am holding out for a buck. County requirements dictate at least 4 points on 1 side.

We had a LOT of rain through the night and morning, with it finally letting up around noon. The temp is in the 50s and the winds are light, out of the SE at 5 or so.

Let's see how this plays out.
Slow night. With about 45 mins of shooting light left, we had a 6 pt come out at 200 yards before moving off out of sight. Nothing else showed up, so we packed it up and called it a night.

My eight year old thought it was great that she saw 25 cardinals...
New morning, new county, new stand. We took a friend up on an offer to hunt a piece of land that produces good bucks annually. In either a move befitting a great dad or an insane person, I have both the 10 and 12 year olds in the stand with me: a 2 person tripod.

After 36 hours of rain, and flooded creeks and rivers everywhere, we now have a break in the weather with clearing skies, 25 mph winds from the SW, and temps in the low 50s.

Watching over a wheat field between multiple stands of hardwoods, with the wind blowing from our right to left. Longest shot will be around 200 yards.

There were does moving on the drive in, so I am hopeful we will see something this morning.
Round 1 of the morning hunt was a bust. I called it about 0930 when the 10 year old began shivering uncontrollably. After 30 minutes warming up, we adjusted the plan to include a thicker jacket, hand warmers, and a nice enclosed ground blind. We are set up looking into a thick draw leading to a river getting ready to flood. Any bucks looking for high ground will come by us, I hope!

Let the fun begin.

PS... When setting up a ground blind, remember to keep your thumbs away from the hub... Took a chunk out of my thumb! That warning was probably in the directions that I threw away 10 years ago...:o
We went in at 12:20 to let the boys eat lunch, then returned to the blind. No deer yet, but we were buzzed by 2 separate formations of A-10s. Too bad I didn't bring my radio! Would have made some excellent airborne deer scouts! (And that would probably be illegal as well, now that I think of it!)

Bled through the first band aid and replaced it with a new one. Did I mention not to get your thumb near the hub of a ground blind when setting up?:o
Blanked again. Saw 1 very big owl that came in and landed about 20 yards away and hung out a while. Thus ends my rifle season... Back to work now!