Live from the LP Convention in Denver, Colorado...


New member
Hello all. It's now Sunday morning and I am sitting in my room on the 22nd floor of the Sheraton Hotel, the location of the 2008 Libertarian National Convention.

It's been an interesting convention and the highlight so far was the Presidential debate last night. On stage were: former congressman Bob Barr, former senator Mike Gravel, George Phillies, Michael Jingozian, Dr. Mary Ruwart, Steve Kubby, and Wayne Allen Root.

Somewhat surprisingly, all the candidates made a decent showing of themselves. None of them came off as completely nutty or insincere. Even my least favorite of the candidates, Bob Barr, impressed me. He still won't get my vote but he no longer inspires a deep seated loathing in me.

Mike Gravel to me seems like a very honest and thoughtful individual but I am troubled by some of his ideas. It seems that he has a plan which would essential institute direct democracy here in the United States which is in direct conflict with the idea that we are a Republic..not a Democracy.

Bob Barr stood before the Libertarian Party and stated emphatically that he would seek the repeal of the so called "Defense of Marriage Act".

My favorite candidate, Christine Smith, did not receive enough delegate votes to be included in the debate. The was true for several of the other candidates as well.

However, I am one of the delegates, and the actual voting will be done today. Christine Smith will get my first vote. If she does not get enough votes to remain in the race then my next vote will got to Dr. Mary Ruwart because she seems like the most "libertarian" of the remaining candidates. And lastly, my vote will got to Wayne Allen Root if both Christine Smith and Mary Ruwart to not get the nomination. Wayne Allen Root has an amazing amount of energy and is an incredible public speaker. I think that he could be a very good "face" for the Libertarian party.

Well, business begins in less than an hour and I must get ready. I am one of the delegates from the State of Colorado and so I have the great honor and privilege of helping pick the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates for the Libertarian Party.
Danzig, could you please describe the delegate process to me? How were you picked as a delegate? What does a delegate do (besides voting), and how does the delegate vote work?

Thanks, I think that the delegate process is an interesting mechanism of how a candidate is actually picked.
Wayne Allen Root if both Christine Smith and Mary Ruwart

I guess the 1% per election cycle ceiling is okay with you. How will the LP ever be taken seriously if its delegates continue to support virtual nobodies. The "message" needs a "messenger" with an ability to get noticed on the national stage.

Once the LP figures that out, maybe it will be a party which will actually do something politically. Until then, it will be destined to be the party of 1%.
Yes. Bob Barr has received the nomination of the Libertarian Party. For the first time in LP history, the nomination process went to a sixth ballot. Prior to this the longest the nomination process had ever taken was four ballots.

I am very troubled by the nomination. I believe that it may be a very bad move for the party. Only time will tell for a certainty. I hope that Bob Barr and the Vice Presidential nominee, Wayne Allen Root, prove to be more libertarian than I believe them to be.

This nomination has caused a great deal of anxiety within the party and already some have left because of it.

I am undecided whether I will follow suit. My friend Christine Smith has decided to leave the party. My words to her were that one not need be a member of the Libertarian Party to be a good libertarian. I believe that to be true.

I do not know how I will cast my vote this fall. It is very unlikely that it will be for the Barr/Root ticket. As NOTA is not an option on the ballot I may write in a candidate.
