Live fire training at home - something new I'm trying


New member
They say a picture tells a thousand words:

He's doing "live fire" exercises with a pellet gun, if I'm reading this right.

I do "draw, present, fire" drills in my garage with my normal CCW pistol. Of course, I use Speer's plastic training bullets, which are powered by primer only.

I think its a great idea. My draw speeds, and accuracy of first shot from draw, have improved a bunch since I started practicing it regulary. Which I can do (almost) for free in my garage.
Of course, I use Speer's plastic training bullets, which are powered by primer only.

Will those cycle an action??? If so, I'd be very interested in them. For now I use a .22 conversion kit on a G17 with CB longs. Fairly quiet, but still loud enough for ear protection.

Will those cycle an action???
Nope. That's why I can only draw and fire once. Or do a "tap/rack/bang" drill. I suppose they're really intended for revolvers. But they work fine in my .45acp, 9mm and .380acp. Drawing from concealment and getting the first round where you want it, fast, is the most important part of the process. The rest you can practice at the range.
What do you shoot at indoors with the Speer plastic loads? I've got a big mostly underground unfinished basement and garage that we're going to begin finishing soon. I don't think the wife or the neighbor could tell the difference between a primer only load and a .22 cal concrete nail gun, so I might get some fun out of this home improvement project after all :p :p :p
Mr. Sig, are you ready for some indoor target practice?:)
Dave R,

Unless you got a real good ventilation system in your garage, I would highly recommend against it. The primers you are using produce a significant amount of lead vapor.
Dave, I heard the same thing. Indoors is a no no for lead reasons. I was told that residual will get into your home's system also. Very bad, especially for kids.
Unless you got a real good ventilation system in your garage, I would highly recommend against it. The primers you are using produce a significant amount of lead vapor.
I'm aware of the danger, and yes, the garage has great ventilation. I would be careful about a basement, though, for the same reason. If you can ventilate it, and sweep the floor regularly, I would feel fine.

A pellet gun is probably safer. But shooting your 'regular' pistol has benefits, too, if you can deal with ventilation and cleaning issues.

What do I shoot at? I hang a milsurp wool blanket on a portable towel rack. I tape a piece of paper with a hand-drawn target on it. Its ugly, but it works. The wool blanket makes the plastic bullets fall right at its base. Easy to re-use them.

DO NOT use a good blanket. Or a light blanket. Even with primer only, the plastic bullets have enough speed to tear or penetrate a light blanket. I got in trouble with my wife before I got the milsurp wool blanket.
I do live fire with airsoft. Most stock airsoft guns do 250fps-300fps. Giving what the bbs are made of they won't break glass at those velocities. The gas KWC Mini-Uzi will though with 450fps:D
I had an impromptu airsoft fight with me and a friend vs. my dad.

My dad had a semi-auto glock airsoft gun he came after us with (in the house, mom on the phone yelling at us to stop the whole time).

Me and my friend (unarmed) ran to my room and retrieved my fully automatic M4, and my old, full auto MP5 for him.

Lets just say we ruined a couple of lamp shades, some blinds, and had a lot of little bb's to pick up!

I pulled out the only line I could to make an excuse, "He started it!"
WAY off topic.

Those Airsoft guns look like fun, but I think I would limit myself to outdoor fun.

I live to close to a range that costs me $60 a year for unlimited shooting to set up something at home, but the plastic ammo looks like a very clever solution.