Live action simulators?


New member
Wasn't sure if this should go here or in tactics and training, if it needs to be moved I apologize.

This place has a live action simulator.
This is from their Facebook page

Lasershot Training Simulators
-Improved marksmanship, judgment, gun handling, and HD use of force scenarios.
- CO2 blowback firearm system w/ real Glock 17's and AR-15's
-Immediate feedback
-Customizable simulated ranges and targets
-Virtual bullets allow necessary trigger time without added ammunition costs
-Doctrine-based course ware
-Trainers can observe and help improve shooters’ skills during all facets of training
Various scenarios and target systems:
-Judgemental Training Software with 50 scenarios
-Course of Fire 2
-Skill Drills 1 & 2
-Steel Targets
-Head Plates
-Pro Shooting Challenge
$20 per session
Call for reservations!

I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this sort of thing? How realistic is it? Is it fun? Is it worthwhile? I mean is it good practice?

I'm thinking it could be fun. I emailed to see how long a session is. Haven't got a response. I might give it a try.
Many, many years ago I sold training simulators from a German/Swiss company to Police departments. This was pre-digital, everything was motion picture film or slides for good guy/bad guy popup targets. They were on a live fire range & used actual service ammunition. Basically you stood in front of a paper screen 9' wide & shot (or not as dictated) popup good guy/ bad guy images, The screen was shot through into the bank behind & there were scoring, timing & functions printed out as well.

It was very challenging & more realistic than you'd have thought possible, partly because of the use of live ammo & partly because the "background" was filmed on the actual streets where the officers would patrol. You probably can't do things like that today though.

Depending on pricing I'd say give it a whirl. ts certainly gong to challenge you & you may be surprised by your results. I know I used to get a dry run to "test the equipment was set up properly" whenever I could.;)
They got back to me and a session is 30 minutes. I didn't even think to ask if use of the gum is included. I would assume it is. The price seems fair, considering you don't need ammo. If you were paying for ammo you could easily burm through $20 worth of ammo in 30 minutes no problem.
The gun should be included as its not an actual firearm, just an air or solenoid operated dummy firing a beam to score the "target" with.
Basically you stood in front of a paper screen 9' wide & shot (or not as dictated) popup good guy/ bad guy images,...

A training system like the one described above simply trains you to stand in the open and get shot.

The first rule of a gunfight is: Don't get shot. Standing in the open exchanging shots does little to keep you from getting shot. You have to move quickly off the line of attack because movement is your only protection when you're in the open. If the training simulator does not include the element of movement (to displace, to cover, or to create distance) then it's poor training (training you to fail).
I could agree with some of what Derbel said. I agree to the point that there is no substitute for live fire practice and learning to move while still shooting well is also good. But I think there could be some benefits from one of these types of simulators, atleast more than just learning how to fail.