Littleton Lawsuit

Ed Brunner

New member
The parents of one of the victims is suing the parents of the shooters.Jack Kavorkian"s lawler,with more time on his hands now is handling the suit.

Why dont they sue the school for failing to provide adequate security.Education is compulsory but security is not.

Better days to be,

Hi Friends-

Long time "lurker" here at TFL, just registered recently. I must say, I almost feel like I know everyone on these pages. Here's what I've got to say:

And here's the best part of the Littleton lawsuit.... From "where" is this $250M going to come?

Same thing with the $520K verdict in Brooklyn involving Beretta, Taurus, etc. Do these people in the jury realize that this wrongly-awarded money comes from all of US in the long run?

The multiple-city lawsuits are the most laughable of all. Yes, that's great.... Punish generations of American workers who have been crafting firearms for over 100 years. The cities will say, "Hey, we're not bringing suit against people, just manufacturers."

Bricks, mortar, drill presses, and conveyor belts do not a factory make. It's the PEOPLE in the factory that make the factory. It's trickle-down from there to resellers, retailers, hunting guides, ammo suppliers, you name it.

Members of TFL and those of like-mind practically have a duty to go out and purchase a new gun as a show of solidarity!

Thanks, Blue Jays
At least these people are suing someone who has reasonable culpability. They are not suing Firearm manufacturers...yet.

As I understand, the local SWAT teams are also being considered for a suite.
The parents said that the suit is not about the money. Then why are they sueing for $250 million? It reminds me of the old woman who sued McDonald's for burning her when she spilled coffee on herself. She won but was only awarded 1/8th (I think) of what she was asking for. She appealed the decision but it was not because of the money.

I feel sorry for everyone who lost a child, a friend, a loved one, etc. in the shootings but money is not going to bring back that person and either is new laws against guns. I was happy to see that the father who lost his daughter and his son was injured was intelligent enough to realize this. My heart goes out to him and the others.

"Time changes everything"
Columbine autopsy reports stay sealed

Updated 2:14 PM ET May 29, 1999

LITTLETON, Colo., May 29 (UPI) Autopsy reports on the Columbine High School shooting victims will not be made public.
Following a Friday hearing, Jefferson County Chief District Judge Henry Nieto opted to seal the records, ruling that releasing them would do "substantial injury" to the public interest.

The decision was a victory for relatives of 12 of the 13 victims, who joined an effort by the county coroner to have the reports sealed. The family of Dylan Klebold, one of the two assailants, also backed the move.

The Rocky Mountain News said six of the victims' relatives testified at Friday's hearing. Sue Townsend, stepmother of victim Lauren Townsend, said, "This tragedy has been in our faces for five weeks....Reopening the wounds with the gory details is not going to help us heal."

Attorneys for the News and the Denver Post opposed the motion, saying the public could learn valuable lessons from the reports.

Meanwhile, repair work at Columbine is expected to begin next week. Columbine students and parents will be allowed back inside the school Tuesday to pick up belongings left behind during the April 20 shooting.

The attack left a total of 15 dead, including 12 students, one teacher and the two gunmen, Klebold and Eric Harris.


Through friends I've gotten reports that that suppressive fire was utilized by more than one of the responding SWAT / ES teams, and that word from "ground zero" several weeks ago was that the LE community was on pins and needles concerning the distinct possibility that some of the Columbine fatalities may have been as a result of "friendly fire."

The Klintons visit Littleton and now the parents want the autopsy reports sealed.. due to releasing them would do "substantial injury" to the public interest.

HELL YEAH IT WOULD. Especially if the victims were killed by the very people that people THINK are there to protect us (which is false by ruleing by the U.S. Surpreme Court).

Maybe the parents are suing the wrong people and have been promissed something by a high public official... NAAAAA couldn't happen... not in this country. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink.

Can anyone spell/say... COVER UP?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited May 29, 1999).]