Little Help with Enfield


I was recently cleaning my 1853 Enfield and got my cleaning rod stuck with the cloth around the end. I tried to put some powder down in behind the rod and putting the nipple back on and firing the gun but that has failed. Anyone got any suggestions as to what to do to get the rod out?? anything to dissolve the cloth maybe?? any suggestions will be greatly appriciated thanks
In increase degrees of severity:
1. Lots of penetrating oil and mild (just too hot to hold bare-handed) heat.
2. Boiling water, then penetrating oil.
3. De-breech (remove the breech plug) and try #1 and #2 from both ends at once.
4. De-breech and CAREFULLY drive it out to the rear(CAREFULLY...if breaks or you contact the sides of the barrel, will damage the rifling).
5. HEAT...just the right amount...enough to char the patch, but not ruin the blue or de-temper the steel. Once the patch chars, the rod will come out easily.

HAve seen a nipple-threaded adaptore hooked up to an air compressor that would proably blow anything out of a barrel...and they make some CO2 powered versions for stuck ball.
Just what did you do? On my Enfield, the "cleaning rod" is the ramrod-- it has a slot in the head for that purpose. Do you have the ramrod stuck in the barrel? Do you have a cleaning rod stuck, with the rod still extending from the barrel? Did you use a segmented rod, and have part of it unscrew, so it's stuck down the barrel, way down there and out of sight and reach?

A ramrod puller works well. I have stuck them before and used gun oil poured down the barre,let it soak and try to turn the rod as you pull it out. You may have to use a pair of channel locks or vise grips for a good grab on it.
Now don't turn the rod so it unscrews the tip!! Then you'll really have problems!!!