Little Help if Y'all Arn't to Busy

If you are in a class III state then its just a $200 tax stamp. I would start with calling a local dealer and ask for the number of a class III dealer.
[QUOTEshort barrel shotguns and rifles fall under teh NFA as do suppressors and full auto guns. the paper process for aquring them is different.

Yes. I was given this H&R Handy Gun .410 pistol (12" barrel single shot for 2 1/2" shells only and no choke) by a friend of my dad's in 1933 and, in 1934, the National Firearms Act was passed primarily, as I recall, to restrict possession of Thompson submachine guns as the favorite weapon of bootleggers - never mind prohibition was repealed the year before. The registration form required a reason for owning such NFA weapon (and a fee of $200.00 - not inconsequential in those depression years) and I put that I was a "gun collector" - I was almost eight years old.



It's never been made clear why currently manufactured pistols that can fire .410 shells are less of a threat as a terrible weapon only because they have barrels rifled so they can shoot .45 caliber ammo also but, the BATFE, in all their bureaucratic wisdom have decreed that - and still refuse to release this collector's item from the NFA list - even though they did reclassify it as a "Curio & Relic" some years ago.

There is no legal way to acquire one if it's not registered and possession of an unregistered one calls for a fine of $10,000.00!!!

:barf: :mad:
NOt sure if OR allows SBR's or not, so keep that in mind. Anyhow, contact your C3 dealer to do a transfer, he'll send paperwork to Impact. Pay impact for OEM P90 SBR. Impact files form 3 with ATF to transfer to your dealer. When your dealer has it, you file a from 4 with atf (fingerprints, cit., photo's, CLEO sig., $200), form 4 come back approved, you drive to your dealer, fill out 4473 (no phone call needed), take P90 home with you.
Cool, thanks guys need a few moths to save the cash for it but I think it will be completely worth it. One last question you don't need to be 21 to get the permit for a sbr do you? I know to purchase a pistol you need to but since it is a rifle...
God damn communists, I can join the army choose our leadership, do time in federal prison but i still dont count as a real person because I am not {insert an arbitrary number here} years old. I know over half of you are going to say that you don't think 18 year olds are old enough but they were in the past what has really changed since it was legal other than the fact that more and more minors are taught to ignore the law since it prevents them from doing any number of things their parents did and/or do. Preventative legislation doesnt work.

Sorry personal rant, this isnt the first time i was kept from a gun by my age politians piss me off.
Sorry personal rant, this isnt the first time i was kept from a gun by my age politians piss me off.

So buy the long barrelled version now, then when you turn 21 have a gunsmith hack the barrel off and thread it for the flash hider or even better get a can. Or buy just the barrel itself and make it an SBR yourself.

Most SBRs are made that way rather than being purchased short in the first place.
I know that those are all option i have already decided which course of action i will take but that is beside the point. My point is that it shouldn't be an issue since I am old enough to choose the leadership of this country old enough to die for this country and old enough to not be considered a minor in a court of law shouldnt it stand to reason that I be old enough to purchase what ever firearm I can afford? :confused: I know that in a few years it wont bug me at all since i will be older and not effect me but its the fact that I am old enough to be held fully accountable for my actions but still not given the respect to make my choices. It iritates me is all.

(I appologize for grammatical mistakes its more of a rant and I am too tired to fix them i merely hope its comprehendible)
Hells Yea

Yea I Think It's A Bunch Of B/s I Am In The Military And I Wasn't 21 And I Thought It Was B/s That I Couldn't Drink Or Buy A Handgun.........but I Am Old Enough To Go To War And Die For My Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F The Politicians