Listing on web for private hunting?


New member
A couple of friends and I have decided we would like to participate in a wild boar hunt. Being that we live in Colorado this would neccessitate hunting on a private ranch or game farm. Does anybody out there know of a good outfit or any site or listing on the web that caters to specialized hunts. Colorado would be preferrable but not absolutely necessary. Thanks in advance, dgang
I don't know that you'll have much luck up there. On the other hand down south we have lots of wild boars; they are a pest from Florida to Texas and points in between. I looked it up on Google and there are about 42000 references to boar hunting and even more to hog hunting. It looks like prices start at about $150-200 a day, though there are probably a lot of folks who would let a person hunt for free and many timber companies which just charge a fee for a hunting permit.
I'm surprised there are no wild hogs on federal lands...

If you check around in any farming country, you might find folks who would love for you to get rid of these "vermin".

Colorado Wild Boar???

There may be wild hogs in Colorado, but I aint' heard of nobody that has ever seen one. My hunting buddies and myself have some farmer/rancher friends in the SE part of the state (S of La Junta) and we knock back their varmint population once in a while (consisting mainly of prairie rats and song-dogs) but they've never mentioned any wild swine critters.

Even if there are some hogs, they don't show up on the list of game animals on the Small Game license. So if you bagged one on public land you might be in a bit of trouble if stopped by CDOW. As for a game ranch that has hogs, I've not heard of any places that have them, but there may be some - I just have'nt heard of them.

On the other hand, a Small Game license allows you to hunt the "Common Snipe"!

Good Luck, JohnDog