Lion Hunting


New member
here is one for all of you guys that have been, or are going to Africa

One night, at the lodge of a hunting club, two new members were being shown around and introduced to the others.
The man leading them around pointed to an old gent taking a nap in one of the big overstuffed chairs by the fireplace and said,"See that man over there? He is one of our oldest members and can tell you some hunting stories you will never forget. He has been everywhere and hunted everything."
A short time later, when the old gent had awakened, they were introduced, and as predicted, the old fellow soon had them enthralled with his tales of adventure.
"I remember one safari in the '30s in particular. We were hunting on foot, and after walking for three days without seeing a shootable lion, I just had to rest my feet. I found a fallen tree, rested my gun on a branch, propped my head against the trunk and fell asleep. I don't know how long I had been asleep when I was awakened by a noise in the bushes."
"As I reached for my rifle the largest lion I had ever seen stepped into the clearing. He saw my movement, prepared to spring, and let out a tremendous


"I tell you, I just **** my pants"

The new members looked at him in amazement and one of them replied, "I don't blame you, I think I would have **** too at the sight of that lion."

The old man shook his head and said," No, no, not then, just now when I said "RROOOAAAARRR!!!"
