Lion attacks hunters

I was taught that you don't shoot it unless you are going to use it for food. This makes me sick.
Maybe they had lion steaks later? :)

I agree though that these hunters (and I use that term loosely) are dorks.

Probably got too much time and money.
It's an old clip. But even so, I root for the Lion everytime. That sucker had more heart than all of those so-called "hunters" combined. :mad:
The morality of shooting trophy game in a large pen aside - what I found interesting was the comments at the bottom of the page... Looked like a buncha teenaged anti-hunters. :(

Not people you could go and debate with, obviously. But that is the sort of uneducated, unwashed peer preasure that is waiting out there for our kids. Great.
Too bad the lion couldn't shoot back. I hope it lived to get another swipe at the incompitent hunters. What a pathetic display of ignorance!
With a little luck, the so called "HUNTERS" fell into a lions den on the way home! Ahhh..relief!
A half dozen or so idiots we don't have to worry about....Go lion!
It's hard to tell, but the lion may have been a cattle killer and the lion-missers may have been after him for non-sporting reasons.

Cape Canaveral
It is indeed an old clip and Clanky got his facts wrong. The lion did not attack the hunters. The hunters attacked the lion and he simply mounted a counter assault.

I am not big on trophy hunting and this makes me laugh why I hear the hunter cry out. Nothing like a lot of big boys out doing macho crap with no common sense and no ability to properly use the firepower available to them. Did you count and/or see all the missed shots?
I've never seen that clip before. I was impressed with how quickly the lion closed the distance. I guess if you're going to shoot a lion you'd better kill it with the first shot.
yorec said:
The morality of shooting trophy game in a large pen aside...

Er, I have the full clip on disk (not this short version) and I'm hard pressed to find a "pen" of some kind as was mentioned here and on the weenie kiddy board. Can anyone clearly point out fencing to me? It appears this was taken in S. Africa and not some "safari park" here in the states.

This unimpressive hunter made a mistake (and almost learned it the hardest way) in not taking a 2nd, follow up shot on a wounded, dangerous game animal a.s.a.p. The clip shows that hunting dangerous animals in Africa is certainly not a sure thing. I don't know what caliber Bwana was using but I suspect it wasn't any bigger that a .375 H&H which is pretty minimal for Lion. The fact that he was using "shooting sticks" tells me he didn't have confidence in his abilities (and may not have known how to properly use a sling or shoot offhand). There is a reason many hunters favored the .416 Rigby for African hunting!

Rules for hunting in Africa:
  1. In Africa, everything bites! Animals, insects even the plants!
  2. You are not at the top of the food chain.
  3. Stupidity is a capital crime. But carelessness, ignorance and negligence are just as bad.
  4. The hunt is not an equal contest and a rifle does not automatically tip the scales in your favor.
  5. If you take your shot and the animal does exactly what you expect, something is wrong!
  6. The only thing worse than hearing a lion up close is not hearing a lion up close!
  7. In Africa, mother nature is a bitch!
  8. All hunters know that Murphy was an optimist.
  9. When hunting in daytime, the wind will shift at the worst possible time. (See also #7).
  10. When hunting at night the moon will be obscured by clouds at the worst possible moment. (See also #8).
I'll also say that I'm pretty offended by some of the comments made on this board with regard to the hunting clip. Some of these were about as "enlightened" as those made by the "uneducated, unwashed" kids on the other board. Hunters are not magically made by reading books and range practice. They learn by doing and this may have been Bwana's first attempt at big game.

Before painting hunters with a broad brush as immoral, ignorant, cowardly dorks, remember there's a thread going around about "weird things seen on the range" which could paint you as a stupid, reckless ignorant, retarded bozo cowboy with the same brush.

Like some of you, I'm not into trophy hunting. But I see no need to slander and bash those who are trophy hunters except for specific acts that go against the tenents of sports hunting (i.e. like using a 20 round magazine).

Remember, there are those who think anyone who keeps a firearm for use against another living creature, especially against a human being, is "sick". There are those who think simply owning a firearm is "sick" because it implies killing.

In closing let me leave you with these words;

Think before you speak damnit!

Flames privately please.
The pen issue - I was going off of comments made by others and my terrible vision of the download (my computer doesn't work well at all with video and all I get are stop motion slices wich are invariably fuzzy and hard to see detail in...) I saw what looked to be a fence behind the lion in the first few sections and, coupled with other comments by our readers, took this to be a "penned hunt."

If it was not, and I believe you that it wasn't - accept my apologies for the comment and know that I agree with ya wholeheartedly on the other points, BillCA. The comments by the teenager anti's on the other board were understandable as those of mislead, uneducated punks who were trying to sound big...

What's the excuse of our fellow gun owners (and hunters) here? Most sound pretty anti hunting to me - which I originally marked down to a dislike of "penned hunts." If it wasn't such a hunt, but fair chase as BillCA points out - what's yer problem? Is it something to applaude whan a hunter makes a mistake, misses, and is nearly killed?

Make the game a whitetail and the comments on this board do sound about like those of the unwashed loudmouths in the comment section over there... :eek:
Wow the posts on that forum are ridiculous. "gun nuts" huh? I have never seen the kind of violent posts they have in this anti hunter forum at the firing line. We are the nuts? Some of these guys are sick in the head talking about shooting hunters and torturing other humans to prove that hunting is wrong.
Is all this about my comment earlier? I don't want to sound self-centered, but it sure seems like it. I loved hunting when I was younger. In fact, I miss it a great deal. I just wish I had the time and money to continue. Though, if I had a great deal of money, I would not hunt lions in Africa. Not because of fear (although it would be scary), but because of the fact that I don't think a lion should be hunted. If that is your thing than great, go for it. Not me. Don't force someone to respect your decision about it. I am just a guy who doesn’t like to see a lion, or any animal, killed purely for sport.
Of course I cannot tell. I am only speculating. If, in fact, this lion was some sort of pest, i.e.: cattle killer, or whatever, than I see no problem with exterminating it. It just seemed to me that these men wanted to film a sport hunt in Africa. Purely speculation. If I am wrong, well so be it. I am afraid I turned this into something that it wasn’t.