Linking Up


New member
Has anyone thought much about what they would do as a situation involving a shooter ends? Especially in a public place?

At a minimum, the poiice are going to show up. In a public place, there may be others who are armed.

What do you do to mitigate the risk of someone else getting hurt?

In the military, a link up operation is considered difficult - especially at night. There are standard procedures to follow. If at all possible, the event is planned and rehearsed before the elements that are going to link up seperate.

You don't get to do this in a civilian situation.

So, I'm wondering if there are any standard methods that you might reasonably expect others to recognize.

By the way, this is one of the reasons why I would be much more inclined to take a defensive position and just protect myself and whoever is with me.

And I don't really want to shoot anyone - but that's another story.
If possible, I holster before they arrive. I've been in non-shoot situations where it didn't get full blown and still had gun in hand. I rasie my hands with the pistol palmed, visible and turned so it's in full view. Just follow commands and all is well. ( unless you are breaking the law, of course.):eek:

My son who is a SPD calls it the 'Non-agressive mode' and the 'meeting' is genial, so to speak.
Holstered with hand on gun is considered aggressive and PD will draw if they haven't already. Same thing is the chin is pushed out, shoulders forward and hands aren't in the air. LEO's aren't stupid and deal with all kinds of people every day and there are 'tells' they recognize.

I've never been in a position where I was actively shooting, but I've had my weapon drawn and acted as I mentioned above.
I've also been at a scene where LEO's and I were all there at te same time and I've drawn my pistol and acted rear guard or flank position with no issues. Well, once it didn't go well when a supervisor showed up and read the riot act when it was 10-4.
I hope my own experiences proved helpful. I'm LEO's here could offer much more.