Limited -10


New member
Got the newsletter from a club I shoot USPSA at today. In it he mentioned the Limited -10 classification system. Does anyone know what he's talking about?

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Only thing I can venture is a Level I Match has to have a min. of 10 USPSA shooters or the min power factor for Major is 10mm. But I'm just guessing!
I suspect that means you cannot load more than 10 rounds in your magazine(s). I know plenty of guys who carry "full capacity" (varies depending on model of gun), and they have an advantage over folks who only carry the 10 rounders.
someone, maybe you posted the same question on glock talk.

it is a new class that only allows a maximum of 10 rounds in a magazine.

thank ol' bitch brady for that 1 boys!

btw, it wasn't very popular at nationsl from the numbers that were in it.

454Casull when it absolutely Has to be destroyed.
Thanks. Now I know. We don't do that at our club (USPSA). I use my single stack eight vs the guys with high capacity mags all the time. It's really a personal choice. IDPA has a limit of 10 in mag. To even the playing field.
Hmm..interesting..I cannot use anything more than an 8rnd magazine in my Norinco 1911 in IPSC standard class (Limited) in Canada, because of the 'IPSC box', yet I can use my Chip McCormick 10rnd mags in Washington state no problem in the Limited Division.
Here's me looking at using a 10rnd mag as a luxury, and you guys see it as a handicap..<gg>.
Lim-10 is taking off like a lead balloon down here in San Angelo, too. Production class may have a life, but we are not holding our breath.

Remembering my encarceration in the PDR of Hawaii, though, and their Police State gun laws, it would seem that Lim-10 would be the way to go for all the Limited shooters there.

Hell, no pistol in Hawaii can have a magazine that can take more than ten rounds, under penality of law.

It was interesting shooting IPSC with full-up race guns and only having ten on tap. Laws like that sure cut down on crime, though. No one EVER gets shot in Hawaii.

Actually IDPA 1911 division "CDP" limits to 8 rounds.

it really stinks paying $100 to get a high cap that will hold 20 some rounds.

one lady at our club today forgot her glock 20, and had to borrow a gun, ended up being a revolver, she didn't do so well.
limited-10 is a new classification for ipsc, this means that single stack shooters will not be competing against the hi-cap para's and sti's. I personally feel that this is a good idea.