Like none of us saw THIS coming!


New member
Knife control rises to new heights in the UK.

I particularly like the part where they maintain that a person carrying a blade "without reasonable excuse" should be prosecuted; but I have never heard of a "reasonable excuse" that satisfies the authorities there.

I also like the word "epidemic" being used in the headline yet the story shows that this "epidemic" is about 40 teenagers killed since the start of last year not all of whom were killed by an edged weapon.

Then there is the blood-in-the-streets scenario being played out on how the mere carrying of a knife will cause mayhem; and carrying one for self defense is a "misguided sense". :barf:'/

Courts 'must halt epidemic of knife crime'

Martin Bentham, Home Affairs Editor

One of the country's most senior judges said today that the "most severe" sentences were needed to combat the "epidemic" of knife crime on Britain's streets.

In an Appeal Court edict which will set a precedent for other cases, Sir Igor Judge (Judge Judge? :eek:) said that only then could knife crime be "confronted and stopped" and "mayhem" and murder prevented.

The call by Sir Igor, who as President of the High Court Queen's Bench is the country's second most senior judge, follows a series of stabbings in London and elsewhere, many involving teenage victims.

Critics have blamed some of the violence on the lenient sentences handed out to knife offenders.

Sir Igor's comments come after the killing of 40 teenagers in London since the start of last year, many of whom have been the victims of knife crime.

Prosecutors and the Met announced last year that offenders caught with a blade would in future escape with a caution. This month the Sentencing Guidelines Council, which advises judges and magistrates, said that those caught with a blade could be let off with a fine or a community punishment.

Official figures show that fewer than one in five of those caught carrying a blade are sent to prison.

Today, however, Sir Igor called for a far more robust approach from judges and magistrates as he spoke out before delivering rulings on appeals by offenders caught with weapons.

"Carrying a knife or offensive weapon without reasonable excuse is a crime which is being committed far too often by far too many people," he said.

"That is because, even if carried only for bravado or carried for some misguided sense that it would be used in possible selfdefence, it takes only a moment of irritation, drunkenness, anger, perceived insult, or something utterly trivial like a 'look', for the weapon to be produced.

"Then you have mayhem, and offences of the greatest possible seriousness follow, including murder, manslaughter, GBH, wounding and assault."

Sir Igor - who was sitting with Mr Justice Griffith Williams and Mr Justice Saunders - delivered his edict as he rejected appeals by three offenders carrying knives or bladed articles in public places.

He said his call for tougher sentences should apply even when offenders were merely caught carrying a blade because of the risk that it could lead to serious consequences. "In our view, it is important for public confidence in the criminal justice system that the man or woman caught in possession of a knife or offensive weapon without reasonable excuse should normally be brought before the courts and prosecuted," he added.
Remind me not to bring my nail clippers to London....I might get locked up as a menace to toenails.

Rule Brittania! I'm just a kangaroo with a drum and fife.

WildhowlowthebulldoghassunkAlaska TM

In more important English News, Stoke City is now in the Premier League. Go Potters! I have an underdog to root for....can you imagine if they beat Man U?
The once great British.... how low they have sunk.

I watched a British movie called "Hot Fuzz" a few nights ago. It was an interesting film with a British view of things. The main characters were a couple of British cops who were trying to bust a small English town full of nefarious bad guys. There was a lot of gun action. I noticed the cops had assault rifles, semi-auto pistols and the bad guys in the town only had shot guns to fight the cops with. Every shooting scene was the same. There was even one scene where a law abiding citizen was holding a shot gun while standing on his farm, and these two "hero" cops came up to him and asked him if his shot gun was registered. Yikes.
I watched a British movie called "Hot Fuzz" a few nights ago. It was an interesting film with a British view of things. The main characters were a couple of British cops who were trying to bust a small English town full of nefarious bad guys. There was a lot of gun action. I noticed the cops had assault rifles, semi-auto pistols and the bad guys in the town only had shot guns to fight the cops with. Every shooting scene was the same. There was even one scene where a law abiding citizen was holding a shot gun while standing on his farm, and these two "hero" cops came up to him and asked him if his shot gun was registered. Yikes.

Maybe you missed the point of the movie. Hot Fuzz is a humorous over the top action police comedy. The movie is lampooning American action movies, especially the Lethal Weapon series. It is not a real life depiction of a British town. In real life no one would have firearms. The reason the movie is so funny, is you have all hell break loose in a quaint British village. What is even more ironic is cops in Britain don't even carry guns on duty but these guys are walking around town like Rambo to defend themselves from the murderous towns people. If I remember correctly the towns people were pretty well armed with an assortment of firearms besides shotguns. There were no law abiding citizens the entire town was filled with bad guys. Funny stuff.
"Carrying a knife or offensive weapon without reasonable excuse is a crime which is being committed far too often by far too many people," he said.

Guys this is no problem and just another reasonable restriction to keep us safe:confused:

Carry a big knife in a scabbard on your right hip, and a ham under your left arm, that way you will have a reasonable excuse.:barf:

"Occifer, I'm on my way to Lunch, Dinner, High tea, breakfast, midnight snack , a ham party, depending on the time of day, and I need a Big Knife to cut it with.":eek:

Problem solved!!!!
I watched a British movie called "Hot Fuzz" a few nights ago. It was an interesting film with a British view of things. The main characters were a couple of British cops who were trying to bust a small English town full of nefarious bad guys. There was a lot of gun action. I noticed the cops had assault rifles, semi-auto pistols and the bad guys in the town only had shot guns to fight the cops with. Every shooting scene was the same. There was even one scene where a law abiding citizen was holding a shot gun while standing on his farm, and these two "hero" cops came up to him and asked him if his shot gun was registered. Yikes.
NOT TRUE! The lady behind the car had a sten sub machine gun, the lady who was the shop owner has what looked to be a M1A of sort, and the preist had revolvers. Only shotguns...pfsh Learn ur comedy movies.
Key word COMEDIES.
Funny post, but its like comparing apples and hand grenades.
Note the phrase used by the story: "knife crime."

It's changed from the "gun crime" commonly used by the press. They continue to blame the item, not the underlying fact that there's a person you can't trust out in public.

Have they really and truly banned the carrying of regular pocketknives and multi-tools?
To think the nation that defeated Adolf Hitler now thinks knives are scary.

Not sure which is sadder the fact that they refuse to accept the failure of weapons control or the fact that this is even an isssue...
History repeats:

When Czar Putin supreme leader of all the Russias, decides to invade Europe, thinking the Brits, French, Belgians, Germans, dont have the stomach for a land war and wont use their nukes, they will come to us begging to borrow our guns...

Just like they did after the first war to end all wars.

Oh well.
Of many RAF and associated pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain, most didn't make it through the war alive. If your Spitfire or Hurricane was going down in flames, the best you could do was make sure (or hope) it wasn't upside down, punch out the canopy, and jump out with your parachute. What ejector seat? Pilots were discovering the effects of something deemed, "compression" when there planes essentially locked up during dives. Oh, and they were outnumbered. Yet, they persevered. I suppose the term, "bravery" would be an understatement.

Soon, you won't be able to carry a knife in the UK. Rubbery upper lips.