Lights Out Scenerio

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TexiCali Slim

New member
I am kinda bragging on this but with no formal training I am proud.

Tonight the power went out, 5 minuites after I talked to my GF on the phone and she was on her way home. When I got off the phone I went to turn on the shower, while I was waiting for the water to heat up the power went out. Once this happend I ran to my HD gun in the buff and went to lock the upper deadbolt, then I went to a "blindspot" in the house, my girlfiend knocked at the door and we kept a steady dialoge, and I opend up the door. What really shocked me is that she is not "overly" comfertable with guns in the house but when I opened up the door "gun in hand" she was perfectly cool and collective, even once we lit all the candles around the house I showed her how to work the gun while I took a shower and she said "I know how to work the safety, I'm not scared."
:p Lets just say Im glad I didnt move in with a priss!!! WOO HOO!

Anyone feel welcome to tell me what they would do in a Lights out situation!

nothing different

Good question. As you know. the lights go out down here with some regularity, between thunderstorms and the odd blackout from a blown transformer (and if the heat doesn't abate, we're going to be looking at rolling blackouts to manage power too). I don't do anything different, except light candles, since I'm already armed ;)

BUT: beyond that, I know where the matches are. Youngest Son (and when he still lived here, Middle Son) got in what I'm sure he thought was disproportionate trouble whenever he'd snag the matches to go shoot off firecrackers and not put them back. When you need them, you do NOT need to have to look for them. I know where my flashlights are. The candles (some of them, anyway) are part of the decor of the house, so I don't have to go looking for them. I also have a Coleman (tm) camping lantern which we use if the power is going to be off quite awhile (like when Hurricane Rita came last year). And I have a plan.

Well done on acting to secure yourself and your property.

Shouldn't the deadbolt always be locked?

A naked man is usually a defenseless man. Usually.

I guess, having a flashlight and matches would be more important than a gun in this situation. The power can and will go out from time to time. It's not usually life threatening.

I always have a gun near me in my home. I guess, keeping a flashlight in your main living area and private room will probably be sufficient to dealing with most poweroutages.

Power going out shouldn't be considered a guns-ready-in hand situation. At least, most of the time.

Oh well, what do I know.
What? You don't got a Glock 19 w/ 2 spare mags and a surefire stuffed in a ziplock and tucked in every toilet tank in your house?

You can get decent quality cheap LED flashlights at your local Sword and Jerky Swap and Shop. 2 or 3 bucks for a surprisingly good flashlight. I buy a couple at every show, and leave then in my cars, drawers around the house, bathrooms and nightstands.

A nice habit to get into is when you make a dash for your HD gun (not SD gun on you) grab something you can throw. It's hard not to duck when someone throws a bottle of shampoo at you. It might be enough to make a BG miss.
Lights out --time for a gun ??? No I just get my LED flashlights , connect my radio [amateur radio transmitter ] to battery power , call the power co [rural area] and relax .:cool:
no power go out and enjoy the stars without the glow from the small town down below they are beautiful guns are always around but no one comes close without tripping sensors to alert me
Sorry but I seem to be confused....

I am kinda bragging on this but with no formal training I am proud...while I was waiting for the water to heat up the power went out. Once this happend I ran to my HD gun in the buff and went to lock the upper deadbolt, then I went to a "blindspot" in the house

What did I miss? Was there some credible threat that caused you to retreat to a defensive position? What was the reason for grabbing your gun?
Springmom, are you always carrying around the house??

Lights go out I get ol trusty shotgun close to the bed, If I'm going to be up for awhile I get ol trusty .40 pistol and put on coffee table,light a candle and watch the crazies outside mill about smartly.
Hey I live in a apartment complex and most everyone who lives here is Indian(Iraq) pakistan or something of that venue. If they're not they're African Americam or Spanish.Some I don't know what they are.And this isn't a real nice place to raise a family.
yes I do

Doubletaptap, I live in the Houston metro area. Yes, I carry most of the time around the house. Home invasions are the new team sport around this city, and now we have a serial killer on the loose. While he appears to target, um, "working girls", his targets may change.

I work out of my home and am pretty much alone here on this block during the day. I just put on the snubbie when I dress in the morning and take it off at night. Sure as you're born, the day I don't is the day I'll need it.

i keep my glock .40 on the table beside my bed and my ak beside my bed leaning on the wall. i dont keep a round chambered in the ak but i always do in the .40. so when the power goes out when im in bed i just be real quiet as i reach for the glock, and have my finger on the lasermax. one thing about an outage, you can hear really good. as long as youre still and BG is on the move, you have the highground. i dont have children or id never leave those guns laying at night. id just keep it under my pillow. i carry it everywhere else i go.
Doubletaptap said:
Hey I live in a apartment complex and most everyone who lives here is Indian(Iraq) pakistan or something of that venue. If they're not they're African Americam or Spanish.Some I don't know what they are.And this isn't a real nice place to raise a family.
Well then its a good thing you have your trusty .40... I guess. :confused:
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