Lights and recoil


I´m not only new in this forum, but also in the world of tactical shotguns, so I´ve some questions.
I have a Bennelli M1 S90 with a Sure Fire tactical light mounted under de mag tube, but I´ve seen some accesories that allows you to mount a C or D Maglite in the same possition. They are heavier and bulkier than de Sure Fire, and de light is not so powerfull, but, are they suitable as an emergenci replacement in case de Sure Fire fails?, would the recoil kill the bulb as I´ve heard it does in other flashlights?.
Every answer will be wellcomed.
I've used a Maglite like a "Louisville Slugger" and never had a bulb failure. ;)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Thanks for your welcome and your answer.
Maybe you consider me an idiot for asking this, but, what is a "Louisville Slugger"

Now, now, Gunslinger, play nice!

Shotgunner: You're not an idiot. A "Louisville Slugger" is a famous American baseball bat.

As far as recoil and lights, I don't think you will have a problem with the Surefire lightbulb failing due to recoil. Although I've never used one, Surefire has a first rate reputation for quality and reliability.

I have used a Tac-Star weapons light quite a bit, and the only problem I've had has been the lightbulb coming loose, and this was after several hundreds of rounds through my shotgun. I just put the bulb back into place and it worked fine.

The Surefire light is no doubt a higher-quality product than the Tac-Star, and I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as the Surefire's reliability.

I have a mini-mag light mounted under my 870 in front of the magazine tube. I used a magazine extender clamp to mount it. The whole setup cost about $15. In hundreds of rounds the bulb has never broken. As an added bonus the light acts like a laser sight, the shot will hit exactly where the beam falls.
walkin' man-
Do you have a pressure switch for that thing? Before I bought the Tac-Star, I looked into the Mini-Maglite deal, but was told no-one made the add-on extendy-cord switch anymore. Or do you just turn it on and leave it on when it's needed?

Boing: "Cheaper Than Dirt" doesn't have them listed in their current catalog, but they used to have them--it's where I got mine.

Their freebie phone # is 1-888-625-3848 for "Orders Only". But, ain't that what you want to do?

Good luck, Art
"Yah, but I vas only followink orderz!"

I could mortgage the house on useless stuff from CTD, and still not have enough, or a place to keep it!

Actually, I'm relatively satisfied with the Tac-Star deal. The pressure pad is kind of stiff, but I have it mounted onto the forearm a little too high. I'd move it, but I used the last of my Duro 5-minute epoxy to attach it, and can't seem to remember to buy more when I'm at Home Depot: "I know I have an excuse to shop here... if I can only remember..." Alzheimers. It's terrible. And I'm only 29!

Besides having no "constant on" switch, the other problem with it comes during practice sessions. The light and mounting bracket both creep forward from the recoil of each shot. First time out, the light ended up dangling! A quick drill-and-tap, plus some set screws, and it stays put now.

Truth In Advertising Endorsement: They advertise it as "Super Bright!" Naturally, as soon as it came in the mail, I looked into the lens and pressed the switch. Several times. "Wow, honey, it really is Super Bright! Look over here!" Zap. She agrees. It really is Super Bright! (safety note: this infantile activity ceased as soon as the light went on the gun.)

Anyway, despite it's faults, it's much more effective than what I was using before, which was nothing. How's that for a ringing endorsement?

Art: how do like your Maglite set-up? For some reason, I can never get my mojo working just right when it comes to Maglites. I seem to get about 5 minutes of use, and then they fade. This includes a few 3-cell (D size). Gotta get me a large handfull of Photon Micro lights! :)

No, I don't have the switch. But like Art says, Cheaper than dirt has them. I'm afraid to put anything else on the gun; it already weighs about a ton. Dual pistol grips, heat shield, extra shell carrier connected to receiver, "tactical" swivels, and the mini-mag light. The barrel has been cut to 18 1/4". Looks real bad a$$, but not really good for much. My fiancée' likes to shoot it one handed at the range to watch the jaws drop.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
I believe that Mag-Lite still makes the pressure switch. There is a Mag-lite dealer who works the local gunshows and they still carry the pressure switch. I've got one on one of my 500s.
BTW, just checked and it's under construction so I can't check from the source.