Lighter side of Y2K


New member
Was involved in a what if discussion on Y2K. Topic came around to means of exchange. What was better, silver or gold. Friend J says neither; brass, lead and copper are the way to go.

A friend says he needs a generator for refrigeration. I said in January in New England.

Lets go up country and get away from the city. Yeh, I want to go to Maine or New Hampshire to survive in mid winter.

Please add your anecdotes if you find humor in this situation. I have decided that all my problems are Y3K related and I will deal with them at that point.
Well - when Y3K hits - I am going to go full Daniel Boon - living up in the mountains and wear buckskins and pack a Kentucky Longrifle and a tomahamk... Should look good with Hitech Magnum mocasins...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Towns ARE the Boonies...

But that will be in Y3K - so Ya got time to prepare...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
i hope that bread milk & toilet paper will be enough to get you over the hump

if we get to the point of TEOTWAWKI,
we won't have a problem with sheeple anymore

take a random sample of 1000 US city folks,
load'em on to conestoga wagons in Pittsburgh
how many last till the Mississippi?

I always follow the Boy Scout motto...

doc Zox
I'm thinking of starting work on Y10K. I mean, if it's sucha bitch to deal with now, then after thousands of years, it'll only be worse when we go from 4 digits to 5. Done and Done. The mountains are for goats. Real men will stay in town and fight for the best lookin' gals. Who wants to throw the first punch for DC?
Make it "smartest" gals and you will have a real mess on your hands! I am sure DC and some other TFLers would invite stiff cometition...but I would also expect it to be a battle of wits, not arms. After all, we gun-owners are not violent.