Light profile barrels


New member
Just curious if I can melt or heat to the point of damaging my AR15 light profile barrel? It heats up rather quick and im worried about pushing it without realizing and toasting it.
12-15 rounds per minute is what the AR can take as a sustained rate of fire for an indefinite length of time without overheating. can overheat and damage the barrel (on any rifle). 140 rounds or so continuous can raise the chamber temp to the "cookoff" point- which isn't a good thing, either...

This isn't an issue for most shooters since any reasonable rate of fire will be well below that.
You'd have to be dumping some serious round counts through it in a small amount of time in order to cause barrel damage. Unless you're going through a few hundred rounds by bump firing or a similar cavalcade of rapid firing, I wouldn't worry too much.
We use to put some serious rounds through m4s in a short period during certain training scenarios. To the point that you would get burned if you didnt have gloves on. Ive seen the barrell of a m249 glow orange it was so hot. Never caused more then some melted plastic and the occasional run away gun from the rounds cooking off.
30 years ago while in the Marine Corps my unit went to the range for a fun day of shooting up a truck load of old ammo. I had the barrel on my M16A1 glowing dull red after running a dozen magazines on full auto as fast as I could change them. The rifle still worked the next day but I could not tell you if I lost any accuracy.