Light primer strike in double action (possible strain screw issue ?)


New member
Okay my 686+ with less than 500rds thru it, has been suddenly experiencing
itermittent light primer strike causing FTF. I have used three types of ammo,
all with the same results. Roughly 5-6 out of 100rds, and only in double action. I have heard this may be a strain screw issue. It seems to have
happened after a couple of boxes of really hot remington 125's.

I checked the strain screw and it was only backed out about 3/4 to 1/2 turn.
I tightened it up again. Would that amount of backing out be significant
enough to cause my problem ? Or should I send it back to S&W.

What other issue could it be?

Please help
It could my S&W 25 was doing the same and found the screw only backed out a turn.After tighting hasn't done it since about 500 rounds later :)
Yes that amount of the screw backing out can cause misfires. If the screw backs out again just remove the screw and clean both the threads on the screw and in the hole with alcohol then apply a little "BLUE" Loctite (the removable kind) to the screw threads and reinstall.