Light 'em up like bugs.


New member
NBK 2000 wrote in a reply that when he lit up potential BG's that they'd run off like the bugs that they are. NBK 2000 used a spotlight. Some of these guys don't run right away when lit up by a flashlight or when you yell that you have a gun.

I'd like to hear your opinions as to why they tend to run when brightly lit up, not just by a flashlight, but a spotlight like NBK2000 used.

I simply think they don't want their dirty deeds to be witnessed.

Care to advance any opinions why they do that? Are they that close to roaches? (Thanks in advance)
BGs want to maximize their safety, as they minimize yours. That's why crime rates are lower in areas with lot of street lights. If they get lit up, they could be identified or described, or get shot.

Some won't believe, "I've got a gun!", and thus often prove that evolution works. Some may be so dumb that they are incredibly brazen, even if lit up. These can be dangerous just from mere stupidity...
Izzy n Art combined.

Unless the evil doer is brain fried; they are a little keyed up and concentrating on stealthily stealing stuff while remaining undetected.

Suddenly, stead of the cover of darkness, they are totally wrapped in the brightest light ever imagined. They feel naked and exposed. As if they were suddenly transported from the womb of cover to center stage at a rock concert. Their heart pounds so hard it makes their ears hurt, spacial disorientation, total loss of controll. Sometimes eyes get big as saucers while they lose bladder and bowel control. Their sensory perception is out of whack and the brightness is regestered as heat, sometimes even to to the point where they think the light is burning them. Sometimes they freeze in their own puddle. Some times they run into things.

Different folks have different tollerances to light level. When in doubt, the brighter the better.

Lighten em up is soo neat, when it's your lights.

Then there is the one in a jillion who, when lit, takes out the light while diving for pre reconned cover.

The only time I would be quick to use visible light, would be if I believed I possessed overwhelming force. Pessimist that I am, I doubt that will often be the case, and I do not intend to train in that fashion.

Mounted lights are great for clear shots on game that does not return or initiate fire.
For some reason, amorous couples seem to like to park at the edge of my property in the midnight hour. I wouldn't care except they seem to be slobs, leaving beveridge containers, used condoms and other odd bits on the lawn.

I used to go out (discretely armed, of course) with my St5reamlight and knock on the windows and encourage them to move on. Usually got good cooperation, but on occasion, some backtalk, which led to the signal to my wife to call the cops.

Now, I just stand on the front steps with a 1.5 MCP 6" spotlight (still discretely armed) and light 'em up. Seems to kill the mood and they move on quickly, no backtalk or nothing.:D
Heh - I got ya one better...

We used to have the same problem in the mid-eighties on a family farm... So I'd occasionally have a little fun...

One time I put a chain on the gate, with several cars inside, and offered to remove it for a fee...

Then another time, I lowcrawled up a fencerow, spotted several cars, and decided that it'd be a dandy time to fire up a chainsaw... Two of 'em hit each other trying for the gate...

Most fun was when a couple thought they could drive into a freshly plowed, disced and rained-upon field... Since we were sharecropping the place out as far as crops, we didn't have a tractor on site. So missy has to get on the radio to call her daddy to come haul 'em out... talk about nasty looks...
I wasn't talkin bout weapon mounted light. Couple hundred thousand candlepower or more per each of several.

How about these lights? 2.htm

Or to set them on fire from a distance with a 6,000,000 light:
6 Million Candle Power MAXA BEAMUltra high-intensity Maxa Beam will supply the most demanding user with 90 minutes of continuous 6,000,000 candlepower light before needing to recharge. Rugged anodized aluminum body contains the unique regulator-ignitor circuitry and is sealed with rubber gaskets making it weather resistant. Poweful F-cell batteries are contained within a weatherproof, high impact copolymer case designed for portable operation. Made in USA by LSI. Filters and accessories not included. Please click on the picture for a larger image. 6 Million Candle Power MAXA BEAM NEW!List Price: $2,050.00Sale Price While Supplies Last: $1,653.00


Shine a light on crime!
Almost poetic

I used to recognize your posts by it's clear and precise wit and succinct and to the point comments.
That long post was....artistic...almost poetic.

I like the new C.R. Sam. Think of writing?

To all you folks, thanks for the insight...I hope some of the readers enjoyed the info.

Now that's power!
The EXACT light I have is the CK 9288 at 2.htm

I believe that it's not just that there's a light on them, but the sheer BLINDING intensity of it that has a lot of the shock effect. Shine a maglight on them and they might notice it if they're not too into what they're doing.

Shine a million CP spotlight on them though and there's NO mistaking that someone has taken an intense interest in what they're doing.

It's especially good if you can zap 'em straight in the eyes with it while they're in the dark. Then it has a physical impact as they're optic nerves are suddenly overloaded. Think about when someones turned on the lights in a room that you've been sitting in the dark in for hours. Then multiple that by hundreds of times.


SOP, of course, is to hold the light at arms length to the side when you turn it on, in case you get that one in a million BG who's an ex-ranger who's program to dive for cover and double tap the source of the light. But really, I've never seen anything but the "roach scurry" when using it.

A few weeks ago, I was outside at 4AM taking a piss (hey, it's the country :p) off my back porch when I see a car drive up the levee road a few dozen yards then cut out it's lights. Now, I know damn well no one uses the levee road for getting home or going anywhere since it dead ends in an orchard.

But there are plenty of sheds, houses, and barns that abutt the levee.

So, I go get the light and light them up! After about 20 seconds I cut off the light and hide behind a tree. A few seconds later, the car starts up and burns rubber back to the main road. Mission accomplished.

Could have been horny teens or burglars. Don't much care what, they didn't belong there so I made it clear to them that someone knew this. They probably thought I was either the cops or calling the cops.

I suppose the situation that you use the light in will make a difference. If you use it to light up a group of street thugs parked behind the local stop-and-rob, you might instigate a chase or gunfire for "dissing" them.

But when it comes to the local crackhead looking for something to steal, nothing beats it.

And if you DO get some weirdo who decides he's going to mess with the person who DARES interupt his midnight shopping spree, you still have the advantage that you can see everything he does very clearly, but he can't see you at all.

(Keep one eye closed if feasible to preserve your night vision)

Cut out the light and E&E in the darkness while he stumbles about with his night vision shot.

Oh, an idea! A remote switch that's wired to the light so you can set the light down, spool out the remote, THEN hit the switch. Any return fires going towards the light, away from you. You can also set it up as a decoy to draw them away from you while you ambush from behind or run the other way.