Lifetime TV

chris in va

New member
On occasion I'm 'forced' to watch various cheesy Lifetime movies. There seems to be a sea change in handgun portrayal.

The more recent movies show handguns being used for honorable purposes, and the one I saw today had a store clerk use one to stop a kidnapping. Of course it was right before the BG tried to draw his (just to be in the safe side) but it still impressed me, and was in the Los Angeles area no less.

Somewhat refreshing compared to just a few years ago.
Maybe what goes around is coming around.
When I was a kid, the general theme in movies and tv was that it took a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.
And that has never really changed, in spite of the Hollywood hypocrisy.
The anti-gun movement has never been main stream.
The media, politicians and well funded foundations pursuing that agenda have just made it seem that way.
Someone's holding a gun to your head?

I get that too.:cool:
Whenever I ask myself "Where did so and so from that movie or series end up?"
Lifetime seems to be the answer to that question.
I've heard/read many times that women are one of the fastest growing demographics for gun ownership. Since Lifetime is marketed towards women (I believe their slogan at one time was "television for women") perhaps the change in portrayal of firearms is reflective of the increasing number of female gun owners.