Life under Martial Law

i hate to say this for fear the good people on TFL may think me a crazy radical, but here where i live, Martial Law would be a call to arms to a good many residents and things would turn ugly very shortly. it indeed would be a very bad situation that i hope and pray never comes to pass.

fiat justitia
Two of my friends were in Omagh in 1994, if I remember correctly. They were leaving a pub after many (too many) pints, and saw a troop transport going by. One of my friends yells out in astonishment "They've got guns!" Everyone on the street hits the ground or takes cover, the transport screeches to a halt, and the soldiers jump off and scan the area with nervous trigger fingers poised.

The idiot didn't even remember what had happened the next day, so my other friend had to beat him up for it twice. He was also banned from using the word "gun" during the rest of the trip, and instead had to say "bicycle."
YOU hate to flip the good people of TFL out, well I hate to tell you my friend but Y2K is coming, and I will just about bet Dollors to Donuts that if anything "bad" happens at all Klinton will declare martial law invoke the war powers act and set himself up as king. I pray I'm wrong, but incase I'm not keep your powder dry and remember who is on your side.
Raymond, The War Powers Act has never been recinded and has been in effect since 1933 March 9th. Thus every president since then has been "Authorized" to write legislation from the oval office.

Raymond, i've been preparing for y2k for sometime. if anything happens me & mamma will be in good shape for awhile. if nothing happens, then i won't have to go to the grocery store or buy ammo for awhile. as far as what clinton may do, hell that's anyones guess, but i'm thinkin' i've got that part squared away too. :) and a good time will be had by all!! ;)

fiat justitia