Life Sucks!


New member
This retirement thing is the pits, long days with nothing to fill my time except shooting. It is a hard life but someone has to do it. I spent an hour at the range with a friend of 20 years named Lynn. Lynn works a swing shift and he is often available to shoot during the day. All of our shooting was done at 10 yards.

Lynn brought his Uberti copy of an 1873 Colt, Glock 26 (G26), and a stainless Kimber Compact. The Uberti is almost new but it looks like a cowboy’s gun, there is no bluing and its surface is worn white. Lynn didn’t have a lot of 45 Colt ammo so I only had two shots. These two shots went into 1/2”, I like that revolver.


Many know that I own a Kimber Custom Compact and that I often sing its praises. Lynn’s stainless Kimber Compact will shoot with mine and that means it will shoot to 25 yards with full sized 1911s.


The last of Lynn’s handguns I fired was his Glock 26. After shooting Lynn’s G26 I know why Stephen A. Camp spoke so highly of his. I have a Glock 27 but I seldom shoot it. I have a Barstow 9mm barrel and an off brand 357 Sig barrel for mine; its primary use is as a house gun. Anyway, Lynn’s G26 shot to point of aim and it clustered in a 2 ½” group.


I shot my RIA 45acp and a newly acquired Dan Wesson (DW) Commander Classic Bobtail 45acp. The RIA is a gem for the $500 I have invested in it. The RIA is capable of producing 2” groups all day long at 10 yards. This pistol will get you through the night.


The Dan Wesson Commander Classic Bobtail 45acp is a very nice handgun with a heavy trigger pull and poorly fit main spring housing. Something about the shape of the DW trigger irritates my trigger finger. The hole for adjusting the trigger over travel makes my finger hurt and forms a blister, I have noticed the same thing with my Dan Wesson Commander 10mm but it is more severe with the 10mm. Considering the trigger pull the DW Bobtail performed well. I had trouble with one of the magazines I used and it was an 8 round Wilson Combat. The other magazines (DW, Metalform, and 7 round Wilson Combat) were flawless.

The Dan Wesson Commander Classic Bobtail 45acp is a fine weapon but it shouldn’t need to have a trigger job, burr removal on the trigger, and correction of the fit of the main spring housing. DWs are nut cheap and DW customers deserve better quality control.



Richard said:
This retirement thing is the pits, long days with nothing to fill my time except shooting.

I suffer, as well. Oh, the pain and shame. I slept late this morning, I'm struggling through a second latte' and I'll wander off to the gym as The Spirit may move me.

I've never owned a SAA, although I have shot a few. At that time, most were real-deal Colts. I'm intrigued by the quality, fit and finish of the Ubertis.

I'm also curious about your Kimber. My collection is Colts, although I have seen some compact versions. I once had a Colt Officers ACP that I shot until destruction. I'm in need of another smaller 1911.

Thanks for the great pics.
Yeah that sounds like a real, I'm jealous of you retired dudes - can't wait til I am one too. Nice looking guns there.
I am on disability as well, and i cant do a whole lot, but to get me out of the house i throw newspapers for something to do, i long every year for the cool weather to hit so i can deer hunt with the muzzle loader and rifle and then start squirrel hunting after that, the summers are so long and hot, hard to get out and enjoy a lot of shooting:(
life sucks

Nothing to do in the winter up here in north central interior of B.C. Canada except tie flys, ice fish right out my back door, shoot the rifle out the front door on the rifle range I got in my front yard, and reload bullets. Nearest store is 10 miles away and I have to ride the damn snowsled to get a loaf of bread or a doz eggs when we run out. Then of course there is hunting season to contend with. I have to go all the way across the street just to hunt moose, black bear, or mule dear, what a bummer, sometimes I have to take the ATV out hunting and hit the thousands of miles of logging roads I have just down the street from the house. Then of course there are the pesky bald eagles I have to put up with out back when I am ice fishing. The cheekey buggers have the nerve to just stand there about 20 feet from my hole and scream and beg for fish. God I am sick of it all, I just can't stand the pressure of this retirement.

;) Cheers & Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester
Just had to rub it in.

As a 22 year old, I get to spend my days taking tests and long study's at EWU, then i head into town in my beater truck because of the snow and work from 3 to midnight, Long hours and college leave me little money and time to shoot and buy ammo. I've got the joy of doing my taxes right now (looks like i'll get to give the government some more money! Here I am buying things like food and clothes when I owe the government. Shame on me!) My girlfriend called an hour ago, and I get to go to SHOPPING FOR PURSES!!!!!I'm trying to soak it all up because as soon as i retire, i'll be in the Hell that you guys are in! I wish you guys could be here!
My girlfriend called an hour ago, and I get to go to SHOPPING FOR PURSES!!!!
Mine does that at Bloomingdales! Economic stimulus????... I'll just send her out a couple more times.... problem solved.

I should be retiring in the next few years, only to join you all in the utter misery and despair I so richly deserve. :)
I to am semi retired at 46, my day’s consists of one range visit per week if not every two weeks for load testing, reloading most weeks’ depending, trip’s to the local gun shop for supply’s surfing TFL and other sites going on shooting trips to my property fishing trips or some time's il just be lazy,

Well some one has to do it, So it might as well be me.
Im feeling tired now I might have go have an afternoon nap.
Add me to that group of retired gentlemen. Years ago, I used to ask myself "WHY?" when I was burning the midnight oil for college studies while working part time. I even went back to school for a master's degree when I was 50. Now I know why! RETIREMENT!!! I sleep late almost every morning and go pistol shooting twice a week when we aren't traveling.