Lieberman's Past??

Ed Brunner

New member
Maybe one of you "researchers" knows. I believe that I read that Joe Lieberman was Bill Clinton's campaign manager when Bill ran for Governor or the House of Representatives. I'm fairly sure that our objective and unbiased media will not put him to the same "sniff test" that Dick Chaney is still getting.

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,

I'm waiting for all the commentators who criticized Bush for picking an old, rich white man who didn't serve in Vietnam to give Al Gore's pick the same treatment.

I'm not holding my breath, though. ;)
The nation's leading Democratic newsletter, the New York Times, weighed in today on the Lieberman candidacy -- A front-page "news" article about the new VP candidate (summary: he's great), a front-page "news analysis" article (summary: he's great), another front-page article about the Gore-Lieberman ticket (summary: they're both great), plus an editorial about the new Democrat ticket (summary: Lieberman's great, Gore is clever for picking him, and the Republicans suck).

My, what a contrast with coverage of the Cheney selection. (Although in fairness I will point out that the number of anti-Cheney stories on the front page then is exactly the same as the number of pro-Lieberman stories on the front page today. I guess that's what the Times means by balanced coverage.)

And media analysts wonder why more people every day get their news from the Internet.
Don't hold your breath. CBS has already announced the will spend more time covering the DNC.

Also, I doubt we will se Matt Lower attack Liberman like he did Cheney.

Katie Couric was commenting about how 'nasty' Cheney's speech was - then she was reminded it was like Gore's speech in 1992.

The more and more I see, the more and more I respect Fox News. This Sunday they were tough on both sides. One Gore advisor when questioned about Gore pushing for a tax on energy etc...said he wanted to concentrate on where Gore wanted to lead and not go back. The interviewer asked why go back to Cheney's record then. It was downhill from there for the Gore guy. Amazing and something you won't see anywhere else. Bush's guy didn't have an easy time either.

So no. The media will not be fair. AND if you can, boycott and watch Fox News. I am from now on.

Liberman is just another communistnazi gun grabber. He and Gore and their Lord and Master, King Klinton, are Siamese triplet peas-in-a-pod.
