License Required?


Searched around but couldn't find the answer: is a license required to purchase a magazine? Still waiting for my LTC to arrive.
I think Jim meant, What State do you live in?

You say you're waiting for your LTC, Vermont doesn't require any such thing. So it may or may not require something more in order to possess a magazine (greater than 10 rounds?) in your State of residence, regardless of the fact that Vermont may have no such laws.

There is just no way for anyone to answer your question, without knowing what State you're from; What type of magazine and capacity you are wanting to buy; What you are intending to do with your purchase.

The only thing we know is that you are going to purchase a magazine in Vermont and you are waiting for your LTC.
Well, actually - if he is buying the magazine in Vermont in person, the answer, regardless of what state he is from is NO, a permit is not required to buy any type of magazine in Vermont.

NOW, taking that magazine back into his state of residence may pose a problem depending upon the magazine and the state.
The is a very similar thread on where a MA resident is asking about buying a standard capacity magazine in New Hampshire for a soon to be released, neutered, MA compliant S&W M&P and acknowledging that such a purchase would be illegal.
The is a very similar thread on where a MA resident is asking about buying a standard capacity magazine in New Hampshire for a soon to be released, neutered, MA compliant S&W M&P and acknowledging that such a purchase would be illegal.

What would be illegal about the purchase?
The is a very similar thread on where a MA resident is asking about buying a standard capacity magazine in New Hampshire for a soon to be released, neutered, MA compliant S&W M&P and acknowledging that such a purchase would be illegal.

I see no reason why the purchase, in and of itself, would be illegal. There is no Federal or NH law regulating the sale or possession of magazines currently. Nor does the jurisdiction of one state extend past its border into another state (much to the chagrin of many states I'm sure). There i no "nationality principle of jurisdiction" in US law like there is in international law (ie, the US can enforce US law against its citizens for crimes committed counter to US law even when the crime ocurred outside of US - think tax evasion and go from there).

Basically, if it is legal to own object X in State A, then ANYONE in State A can own object x while in State A - that they are a resident of State B is irrelevant.

Now, where that magazine brought back across the border into MA, THEN MA law would apply to whoever was in possession of that magazine.

It is just like fireworks - anyone can buy them in a state where they are legal, but they cannot be brought back where they are illegal.