Flare gun
Yep...It is a flare pistol. I respect the guy for suiting up with whatever he can to defend himself and his family and his country from KaDaffy. I noted also that he does have a variant of the AK family.
Back to "field expedient" survival and resistance training:
"If all I have is a rock I will use the rock to take a stick from someone...
With my stick I will find someone with a knife and take it from them...
With my nice, new knife I will ambush someone with a handun and take it from them...
Once I have my handgun I will look for a man with a shotgun and the shotgun will become mine...
When I have my new shotgun I'll look for a guy with a rifle and once I have my rifle I'll laager up and do some damage until some guy drives by with a tank.
When I have my tank, my rifle, my shotgun, my handgun, my knife, my stick and my rock I will begin to own the field until I own the enemy's ass!
I will never stop until I win or die!