Libraries--great places to plant books!


New member
One way to get people educated in pro-gun issues is to get good pro-gun books in libraries. There are at least two ways to do this.

A few months ago, I went to my local library and asked them to borrow John Lott's book, "More Guns, Less Crime", through the inter-library loan system. The clerk said, "Oh, we've had several requests for that book. I think I'll order it." With my encouragement, she immediately wrote up the order form and it is now in the "gun/true crime" section of our library.

I've done that on several occasions, including today with Dave Kopel's book, "No More Wacos". In talking with librarians, I've found that if there's a demand for an in-print book, they'll order it.

A second way to get books in your library is to donate them. Make sure they're new, though, and that you emphasize the books are for the library to put on its shelves, not to place in its annual book-selling drive.

In my local library, pro-gun books out-number anti-gun books by two-to-one.

I remember when I was a kid, my father would take me to the Jacksonville, Fla. public library every Saturday and I would walk out with stacks of books which I'd read during the week. Those books are one of the reasons I became a conservative. If you place a few pro-gun books in your own library, you never know when some kid is going to read them and grow up knowing the truth.


[This message has been edited by bestdefense357 (edited December 13, 1999).]