
New member
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is in jeopardy these days -- dangerously so. The purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure that we will remain an armed people, able to defend our liberty. In our defense of firearm rights, we must emphasize this fundamental purpose of the amendment. If we leave the impression that we think that the right to keep and bear arms concerns hunting and sports shooting, and making sure Americans have the right to entertain themselves with guns, we will actually contribute to the false view that the Second Amendment is an historical curiosity, hardly deserving the effort it would take to officially remove it from the Constitution.
The right to keep and bear arms derives from our duty to retain the basic means necessary to defend our country and our liberty.

Certainly it is true that the actual defense of our national borders is normally delegated to the professional military. But we must never think that this revocable delegation of responsibility for national defense is a transfer of ultimate responsibility. We, the people, are responsible for the defense of country and liberty, and the Second Amendment is crucial to our performance of that duty.

The presence of the Second Amendment in our Constitution reflects the history of the emergence of self-government in the modern world. One key impediment to the assertion of the political rights of the common man throughout much of history was that military conflict was usually left to a professional elite. Until common people were able to get on battlefields and defend themselves, they left that defense to professional classes of warriors. Inevitably, or at least naturally, such warriors became the rulers of the people whose country they defended.

Our Founders understood that leaving matters of defense entirely in the hands of a professional military class was inconsistent with self-government. The American Founding was a decisive break with the old European order in many ways, but the care our Founders took to ensure an armed citizenry is one of the most striking. Indeed, the formal Constitutional guarantee that the sovereignty of the people would be defended by that people themselves, and with their own weapons, is a kind of condensed summary of the entire doctrine of self-government on which the nation is founded.

For this reason, it is a matter of clear national interest that we make sure that our citizens understand the meaning of their Second Amendment rights -- indeed, their Second Amendment duties. It is difficult to see how any citizen could have a clear understanding of his general civic responsibilities if he does not understand the fundamental duty he bears to join with his fellow citizens at all times in remaining vigilant to any threats to liberty. And it is difficult to see how he could understand this if he is allowed to come of age with a hostile or trivial view of the Second Amendment.
Go Alan, go! Three cheers for this honest,articulate intelligent, man.
'bout time sombody said the things he says!
God bless Alan Keyes!

Ambassador Keyes' Upcoming Media Appearances:

Sunday, December 19, 1999
NBC Decision 2000 hosted by Nora O'Donnell
Airs 5-6:00pm EST

Monday, December 20, 1999
The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
Check local listings

Wednesday, December 22, 1999
CNN Inside Politics
Airs 5-6 pm EST

As an additional note, the National Press Club has invited us to a
"Newsmaker Luncheon" in Dr. Keyes' honor. They will invite over 4,000
media outlets to the luncheon. Dr. Keyes will give a speech and then take
questions. That date is confirmed: February 7, 2000 and it will be
covered by C-SPAN.
Forgive my overt promotion. The mass media trys so hard to treat this man as a figment of our imagination. If you haven't heard him yet please listen.
I must ask everyone, why are we failing to support Keyes 100%? He is the only absolutely pro-gun candidate. I don't care if it seems impossible, we have to take a principled stand!
We (American Freedom Network) are talking with Alan Keyes to get him to come to Ft.Collins Co. sometime in Jan or Feb to give a speech.....until then!

Ambassador Keyes' Upcoming Media Appearances:

Sunday, December 19, 1999
NBC Decision 2000 hosted by Nora O'Donnell
Airs 5-6:00pm EST

Monday, December 20, 1999
The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
Check local listings

Wednesday, December 22, 1999
CNN Inside Politics
Airs 5-6 pm EST

As an additional note, the National Press Club has invited us to a
"Newsmaker Luncheon" in Dr. Keyes' honor. They will invite over 4,000
media outlets to the luncheon. Dr. Keyes will give a speech and then take
questions. That date is confirmed: February 7, 2000 and it will be
covered by C-SPAN.
Interesting irony: while Keys is strongly opposed to giving gays equality under the law, his pro-gun stance will have a very positive effect on the safetyof those same gays. I have met GLBTs who are planning to hold their noses and vote for him...most, unfortunately, are up for Gore or, less frequently, Bush.
"while Keys is strongly opposed to giving gays equality under the law"

With all due respect Mr.Keyes position is that no "group" be given special rights....a bunch of "dead white guys" said the same!
Frankly, when I have heard Alan Keyes speak on any topic he seems to make alot of sense. Unfortunatly, common sense seems to be about the only thing you can have that will keep you from being elected. Adultery, no problem. Lie, come on in. Break just about any law and have we got an office for you. Got common sense? Sorry, we don't need none of that.
(rant mode off)

Frankly, I do like a whole lot of what Mr. Keyes has to say. And if he gets the nomination-great. But if Bush gets the nod, everybody better vote for him. I believe in principle strongly, but if we split the vote and one of those liberal bastards gets in, it will end our country and freedoms as we know it.
Like what happened here in Kalifornia. We had two bad choices. Many pro-gun voters did'nt like the Republican candidate and did not vote. Well, look what happened. We now have somebody who is a true socialist and communist if ever there was one. Kalifornia is lost now!!!!!
We MUST-MUST get in a Republican for President and retain control Congress. If we don't......Our Country is history!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
I did not mean to start an argument on Key's other policies...what I was saying is that even if he's imprfect in some respects, the pro-RKBA stance shows that he's aware of his limitations and recognizes the right of others to stop him and the rest of US govt. if need be.

He seems like a better candidate in some ways that Harry Browne or Vyn Schuprinowitz (sp?).

Please be sure to visit

because only the first half of Keyes
article was reprinted here on TFL
and the second halk is even better!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
I'm already considering voting for Keyes in the primary as a protest vote. Voting for a Liberarian in the main event is just too much like poking yourself in the eye to make a point, if it results in Gore getting the nod.

That said about Keyes, I think Dubya may actually be more conservative than he at first looks. While I don't have any specific examples at hand, my impression is that if you look at what he does and not what he says, he's a lot more conservative than Dad. He just doesn't articulate it, which may just be campaign strategy.
Although I can understand that Keyes could never get the nod from the "men in the shadows" of the Republican Party let alone getting 270 electorial college( do they have a football team?) votes....his passion and love of country cannot be questioned.....

By Doug Feidor
This guy doesn't just "reply" to a question, he "launches" a righteous rant with every answer. So much so, in fact, that if conviction, honesty and passion of beliefs were the criteria for electing a president, this candidate stands out so far in front of the Republican pack there would be no other choice.

However, the national media finds two major faults with this candidate: First, he can think on his feet and his mental capacity far exceeds that of the professional news readers trying to trip him up in an interview. And second, Alan L. Keyes is a Black man who comes nowhere near the stereotype the liberal media expects of an American citizen who is Black.

Besides, the liberal national media have no idea how to handle a candidate who preaches ethics, personal responsibility and morals. Because, the problem is that his arguments are correct and Constitutionally based. They realize that any media person publicly challenging him will be hit with a quickly enunciated tirade of self-evident truths that would have them cowering like the uninformed fools many of them are. Therefore, most of the national media people actually fear Alan Keyes and do their best to stay away from him.

The liberal national media cannot handle Constitutional truths any better than they can respond to strong moral convictions, and Alan Keyes brings both to the table. Loudly. And with great passion.

Keyes called his radio show "America's Wake Up Call." In reality, his campaign is America's wake up call. That is, it would be if the liberals in the national media would give the Keyes platform recognition. The guy is a cheerleader for the ideals expressed by this country's Founding Fathers. The intensity of his style is not only fun to watch, his words have a very significant meaning. His message is seldom expressed in this county's national forum anymore: Government should follow the Constitution and we should teach kids individualism, morals and integrity, rather than the liberal collectivism claptrap. Gee, what a concept!
Keyes launches on affirmative action by saying that instead of

calling on government to enforce the fundamental principle that all men are created equal, today's civil rights movement favors preferential treatment for groups defined by race or sex. We cannot cure injustice with another injustice,
Keyes admonishes.
Keyes says that he is "a strong supporter of the Second Amendment." The Second Amendment

was not put into the Constitution by the Founders merely to allow us to intimidate burglars, or hunt rabbits to our hearts' content. Above all, the Founders added the Second Amendment so that when, after a long train of abuses, a government evinces a methodical design upon our natural rights, we will have the means to protect and recover our rights. That is why the right to keep and bear arms was included in the Bill of Rights.
On government schools and school choice, Keyes scores a bullseye again:

The value-free education offered by the government run schools has all too often proven to be education without value. This is especially true now that Outcome Based Education has been used as an excuse to establish curricular elements that amount to the politically correct brainwashing of our children.
Calling for a revamping of the whole federal tax structure, Keyes says that tyrannical taxation and excessive government spending and borrowing

erode the resource base of our freedom and our moral responsibility. The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment and it has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago, government had no claim to our income; only sales, excise and tariff taxes were allowed. We need to return to the Constitution of economic liberty that our Founders intended to be a permanent bulwark of our political liberty. The income tax in effect makes us vassals to the government -- the politicians decide how much income we can keep.
For a campaign finance fix that would go far to stymie the power of Washington's $8.4 billion annual special interest lobbying industry, Keyes offers a simple solution:

No dollar vote without a ballot vote.
He is also the only candidate to see the major problems cause by the liberal Great Society welfare programs:

Most of our expensive government welfare programs aim to deal with problems that are related to the breakdown of moral standards and self-discipline. Our first priority should be restoring the moral and material support for the marriage-based two-parent family. The disintegration of the family is the major contributing factor in poverty, crime, violence, the decline in educational performance, and a host of other expensive social problems.
Chuck Muth, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus, aptly described what many Republicans thought Monday night after the Iowa debate:

I don't care if the guy can win or not, his presence on that stage raises the intellectual level of the entire discussion ... and the entire primary contest ... a hundred fold.
And, talk about cleaning up government; last week Keyes named his choice for Attorney General:

I think that we need to put someone in as Attorney General who, among other things, will enforce the law and then get to the truth on behalf of the American people and there's nobody that has been doing that with greater courage and effectiveness -- even without any kind of official position -- than [Judicial Watch's] Larry Klayman.
Talk about fun to watch! A Keyes administration with Larry Klayman as Attorney General would start right in cleaning up the corrupt Washington scene. A couple years of that would also set the process of American socialism back 50 years. The "Third Way" would go away.

Anyone interested in their own personal freedom and liberty, Constitutional issues and the original American way that made this country so great, should pay close attention to the Keyes campaign. Alan Keyes' delivery is both passionate and intense for a good reason: He firmly believes what he is saying.
Keyes for VP? While I don't think Keyes for Pres. is going to happen in this world, any chance of Bush naming him VP to try to get a larger %'age of the Black vote? Naah, I'm probably dreaming.