Liberties Pop Quiz

Jeff Thomas

New member
The Liberties Pop Quiz


© 2000 by Charly Gullett
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to copy this work in its entirety with no ommissions including this copyright notice.

1. More people are killed by their own governments than all citizen homicides combined. The reason for this is because:

A. The United Nations has a better bill of human rights than we do.
B. Guns in the hands of dictators can cause pesky accidents.
C. There are no firearms purchase waiting periods imposed on despotic governments.

2. You are headed home from a Handgun Control rally when your car breaks down and a 'good samaritan' stops to help you. Suddenly the samaritan pushes you into your own car and brutally rapes you at gunpoint. In order to drop his pants he momentarily lays the pistol on the seat beside you.
As you look down at the pistol, you are thinking about...

A. Janet Reno's "Arrests are down..." speech.
B. Buying front row tickets to the Rosie O'Donnell show.
C. Voting for Al Gore.

3. Al Gore, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, and Diane Feinstein tell you that carrying a concealed handgun does not reduce crime. They feel that crime was reduced in those states which do allow private citizens to carry concealed handguns because...

A. Criminals were allowed to attend constitutional lectures by Geraldo Rivera.
B. Trigger locks on less than 1% of all legally owned guns changed crime as we know it.
C. Widely distributed photos of Janet Reno in the White House Oval Office scared the crooks away.

4. You are awakened in the night by an intruder who is coming through your bedroom window wielding a baseball bat. You should:

A. Call Sarah Brady at Handgun Control and ask her to to stop by in the next 5 seconds.
B. Call 911, and ask the cops to arrive in the next 5 seconds.
C. Hold up a copy of the "Sportmen's Protection Act" and tell the attacker he has 5 seconds to leave the house or else you will invoke the midnight basketball clause.
D. Find your trigger lock key and some ammuntion, unlock the trigger lock and load the gun preferrably in the same 5 seconds before 911 gets the cops to arrive (you know, just in case they are a few seconds late).

5. Schools are historically "victim-rich" locations for mass killings. This is because of...

A. Federal Gun-free School Zone laws.
B. State Gun-free School Zone laws.
C. Local Gun-free School Zone laws.
D. Board of Education Zero tolerance policies for firearms in schools.

6. Hillary Clinton and Al Gore want to outlaw your firearms. What do you think their body guards carry to protect Hillary
and Al?

A. Phone number to the Handgun Control hotline.
B. Large caliber Glock handguns.
C. Copies of the "Sportsmen's Protection Act".

© 2000 by Charly Gullett
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to copy this work in its entirety with no ommissions including this copyright notice.
Ha Ha! I like #4

"Handgun control hotline, this is Sarah. What is your emergency? Please hold while I remove the trigger lock from my brain."