Liberals Strike Again.....

How come you can murder someone if there are less the nine monthe old, but you can't kill bears, or wolves for that matter.

I heard a couple years ago that a guy got attack by a wolve in his own back yard, so without a weapon he killed it by bitting its throat, and got some jail time and a fine.

Thank heavens Kerry was not elected.
omg, a contraception program? are they gonna issue the bears rubbers now?

this is stupid.

this is utter madness i tell you!

a 50 cent bullet is much cheaper than a contraception program and taxpayers are burdened with enough stupid programs and agencies.

let them hunt the bears. besides bears are good eatin!
Liberals tend to anthropomorphize bears. New Jersey is full of liberal tree hugging mouth breathers who know nothing about hunting. I am not surprised by this turn of events.

Never mind that experts in the field see a need for a hunt. We can't shoot Yogi the Bear now can we? Sorry gang but as bad as it is in New York I am sure glad I don't live in New Jersey! :D