Liberals and Bumper Stickers


New member
Where I live I mostly see bumper stickers proclaiming liberal politics. Today I was behind a car (yes, it WAS a Volvo) with TWO Obama 08 stickers, a Edwards 08 sticker, an "Impeachment is Patriotic" sticker and the following:
"Liberals treat dogs like people, Conservatives treat people like dogs." (Sheesh)

I rarely see bumper stickers extolling conservative principles. Is that because I live in a liberal area, or are liberals more inclined to advertise? Her stickers made me want one that reads:" Liberal philosophy fits on a bumper sticker."
There's a saying that goes 'Power doesn't change people, power reveals people."

Right now liberals feel powerful. They feel comfortable behaving outwardly how they are internally.

You see this in Congress is you watch CSPAN. The Democrat leadership seems to take pleasure in ridiculing people that come in front of them that they know will say something they either don't agree with or don't want to hear. It's blatant use of power to damage another. Many that don't usually watch CSPAN DID watch the Petraeus testimonies and know what I mean.

You see it even here. The quick hostility of the left leaners.

I've long held that people that seemed to need to belittle others to appear larger were internally insecure and that was the heart of liberalism, an internal insecurity that was being dealt with by attacking others that they disagree with on a vitriolic level and is more evidenced by a deep resentment for those that have no want or need for outside affirmation or re-enforcement either about their ideals or self sufficiency.
I rarely see bumper stickers extolling conservative principles. Is that because I live in a liberal area, or are liberals more inclined to advertise? Her stickers made me want one that reads:" Liberal philosophy fits on a bumper sticker."

Come look at some pickup trucks here in Indiana and you'll see conservative bumper stickers. For the rest of us conservatives, we have better taste than the liberals and don't want to uglify (that's right I made that word up) our cars with hideous bumper stickers (though I do have a little NRA sticker on one of my vehicle's back glass).
I'd love to take credit for it, but Michael Savage said it years ago then wrote a book with this title.
But I made my own bumper sticker and have displayed it proudly in CA and FL.
Let me know if you want one.:D
I rarely see bumper stickers extolling conservative principles.

I used to see a ton of "Bush Cheney" stickers and the infamous "W The President" stickers floating around. Most of those have disappeared in the last couple of years. I do see a lot of NRA stickers. Haven't really noticed many liberal stickers around of late either.
I rarely see bumper stickers extolling conservative principles.
That's because you haven't seen my truck, which some of my troops refer to as "the militia cruiser". :D Of course, my bumper stickers extol conservative principles, not neoconservative ones, so members of both political parties would probably find something on there that would offend them. :cool:
I live in one of the most liberal areas of California. I used to occasionally see a guy driving a Volvo that had an NRA sticker in the back. I always thought that poor SOB was going to need years of psychotherapy to get his head wired back on right.

Thanks for the thoughtful replies, guys. It'll be interesting to note if there are more conservative-themed stickers in a (god-forbid) Obama presidency. I've wanted to put an NRA sticker on our car, but my wife is afraid it'll get keyed..I'm afraid she's right.
Wuluf, I have one being cooked up right now that will be PERFECT for you and others like yourself in California...heck, we might make a few thousand to send to our fellow slaves in Maryland, Jersey, the Vampire State, and Taxachusetts:

May Issue is the new Separate But Equal.

It will be on my and my lady's bumpers immediately upon printing.
No way would I put a conservative sticker on my car.

Liberals are angry cowards who stoop low enough to key a persons car over a sticker. Kerry Democratic election workers were caught vandalizing Republican Party vehicles during the last presidential election.
^ Good, send them to jail and make them pay for a new paintjob...or even a new car! If one of those chicken ****s want to try it, it's on their skin, not my dime.
The answer is simple.

Liberals have crappier cars and do not mind uglying them up with bumper stickers. Conservatives have nicer cars and do not want hat crap on our bumpers. :)
+1 to PBP

plus, all the liberals I know are lacking in monetary funds and complain about everything and everything; politics, the environment, how i use my chainsaw ect...

I can't stand them.

However, I do not advertise that I am a gun owner on my car, I feel that is stupid and makes me look even more aggressive then my car and the matching "power-lifter" bumper stickers on all of them (check out the 4x4's in my sig) already does. I am really not paranoid, I only carry about 30% of the time, but I don't people following me home to see where I live so they can break in and steal my guns.

thats my take

I have several stickers on my back glass of my truck, but the most political one is my NRA sticker. Another is a bowhunting sticker. Another is my hunters ed instructor's sticker.

No politics on my truck. Too many people out there cowardly enough to take out their disagreement on your paint job. Or even worse your tires. My tires are expensive.
I have several stickers on my back glass of my truck, but the most political one is my NRA sticker. Another is a bowhunting sticker. Another is my hunters ed instructor's sticker.
That is the only place I have stickers too. I will not put them on my paint or bumper. None of them ar that liberal...unless you consider a gay cowboy liberal. :D

