Liberal Senate Democrats


Just saw Harkins and Schumer on CSpan gloating over a Reinquiest ruling and they were citing of all things the Federalist Papers and stating how the framers` of the constitution let their intents be known through the Federalist Papers. Sickening how they totally ignore the volumes dealing with the 2nd amendment. Selective use and abuse of the legislative process AGAIN! Signed Angry and disheartened.
If Liberals interpreted the Second Amendment the way they interpret the rest of the Constitution,gun ownership would be mandatory. However, they only support the Rights that are "fashionable".

Sort of like the way everybody today is a Conservationist and hunters are bloodthirsty slobs never mind that they started the movement nearly a century ago and have paid the bill for it ever since.
Dear Angry, Get used to it. Until we can vote all those hypocrites out that is the prevailing mentality.

Better days to be,
