Liability question


New member
You like one of the guns I bring to the member only range. During our conversation I offer to let you give it a try. And catastrophic failure occurs. You have injuries. Am I held liable? Will my NRA membership give me any protection? I assume range insurance covers the range. Lets assume that it was factory ammo and the gun appeared to be in good shape.
I ask because I live in a state that is well known for lawsuits over everything.
BoogieMan You like one of the guns I bring to the member only range. During our conversation I offer to let you give it a try. And catastrophic failure occurs. You have injuries. Am I held liable?
If you borrowed your neighbors truck to move a load of firewood and the brakes failed causing horrific injuries....would you believe your neighbor should bear responsibility and the liability?

The plaintiffs attorney will name as many defendants as he thinks he can prove contributed to the catastrophic failure. Most likely you would be named as would the manufacturer of the firearm.

Will my NRA membership give me any protection?
No, why would it?

I assume range insurance covers the range. Lets assume that it was factory ammo and the gun appeared to be in good shape.
Your gun, your responsibility.

I ask because I live in a state that is well known for lawsuits over everything.
Who doesn't?;)
dogtown tom said:
The plaintiffs attorney will name as many defendants as he thinks he can prove contributed to the catastrophic failure. Most likely you would be named as would the manufacturer of the firearm.
Not even "most likely." As the owner of the firearm that caused the injury, IMHO there is absolutely no question. You WOULD be sued.
Boy, the things we think up to worry over.
When was the last time one of your guns blew itself up?
I've seen exactly one gun blow up.
And I've been doing this for some time.
As dogtown sez, you're more likely to get legally hassled from loaning out your car.
Boy, the things we think up to worry over.
While I do tend to agree with you.....

How many different flavor of 1911 vs Glock are there?

@ least this is a fresh subject for discussion right?
& this is a discussion board.....if it wasn't I guess there would be one thread that said:
"I like guns".

And 6 million and growing replies that said:
"Me too!"
I agree that it is an interesting question. I also agree that it is not anything I am going to worry about. I think there is always a chance of some sort of failure, but with well made and maintained firearms and the proper quality ammo the chance of a catastrophic failure is slim. I am happy to let someone try any firearm I have with me at the range. Life is too short to worry about things I have no control of.
There's potential liability in everything - giving someone a ride in your car, inviting someone over for drinks at your house, letting someone's kid spend the night with your kid, taking your dog for a walk, letting someone borrow your bicycle. Our laws are designed to make people "sue-happy" and there is no way to avoid all liability. Live life and try not to do too many stupid things.
I was under the impression that the NRA membership offered some insurance with it. Glad someone posted the link to the liability insurance that can be purchased.
This was really a question of limiting my liability. I have upgraded or built most of my guns, except all the old Milsurp. I also load a lot of the ammo I take to the range. So, I think my liability could go above and beyond what I described in 1st post.
As said by others, the time you spend at the range is much safer than the ride to the range.
I checked the NRA policy coverage regarding handloaded ammunition, it excludes

“bodily injury” or “property damage” caused directly or indirectly by
the explosion or rupture of cartridges or shotgun shells which have
been manufactured, produced, assembled, loaded or reloaded by the
“Individual Insured Member.”

As I read it, an accidental discharge of handloaded ammunition is covered. So be careful - as a rule I never let strangers shoot my handloads, and I can only think of one occasion when my brother shot some of my handloads and I shot some of his.... I'm sure other shooters have different policies, and that's OK with me.
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