Liability Insurance !!!!


I'm Looking For Information On Liability Insurance For Concealed Carriers......I'd Like Some Protection Against A Possible Accident Or A Law Suit Filed Against Me .... I'd Appreciate Any Information You Could Send My Way...Certainly This Has Got To Be A Point Of Interest For All Of Us Who Are Civilian Carriers.....Does Liability Coverage Exits ?? If So, Company Name ?? I Appreciate Hearing From Any And All... Thanks......
There is no insurance that will protect you if your shoot is not righteous. If the shoot is righteous, no insurance is needed. That's why you don't hear more about such insurance policies.
I'd imagine a personal rider from your insurance carrier might do the trick to cover an array of situations. Whether or not "a shooting incident" is covered may or may not be specifically stated in the language. :o

Remember though, one of the biggest reasons to have liability insurance is for defense costs which could be substantial. I used to sell P&C insurance and asked a VP (company will remain unnamed) if my homeowner's would cover me in a shoot. He said maybe if in the house, but not sure outside. He told me a story of a guy who shot the garbage man outside his home thinking he was a burglar, but since it was intentional and not accidental then the HOI did not cover him. I wouldn't count on HOI. I thought the NRA had something.
Your homeowoners policy will cover you for accidents. It will not cover you for intentional acts.

I like to cite a famous case, that of one William Jefferson Clinton, who was sued by a young lady for shall we say, disputed acts...

He had two separate Umbrella policies (personal liability extension policies) and as I understand it his defense costs were split by the two carriers, but the settlement he made with Miss Jones was not paid by them as it was determined his acts were intentional and not accidental.

So if you accidentially shoot a bystander, you most likely have coverage, but if the person you are trying to shoot sues, you're out of luck.

Contract language varies from company to company, YMMV. ;)
Gentlemen--------- I appreciate the responses..

Gentlemen --- I read your responses and I do wish to add--that I'm not looking to play games about liability coverage-- good shoot -- so what--you are still open for a law suit by the family of the injured or dead...In most cases-- one will need a defense..... I want liability to cover me in any situation...In todays world--- a law suit is second nature.. People come after your holdings regardless-- An attorney is a necessity.. I'm looking for some sort of coverage to back me up legally and financially.....If ever any of you run across an organization offering such coverage-- I'd appreciate hearing from you....Your opinions appreciated....Max:confused:
Me too!! thats what I did--my daughter did well and practices the kind of law one would need in a situation like that---her fiance is also a lawyer and many of her close friends---I should be covered.
I guess we paid our fees up front---lifelong retainer!!
you are still open for a law suit by the family of the injured or dead...In most cases-- one will need a defense

That's only if you live in a jurisdiction that doesn't preclude such suits. My state and many other states protect honest citizens from lawsuits such as you describe.

What state are you in? Do you understand your state's laws regarding these matters?

The nearest thing to what you're trying to achieve is pre-paid legal services. If I did need a lawyer, I'd want a REAL lawyer, and not somebody who'd participate in a pre-paid deal.
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I'd Like Some Protection Against A Possible Accident Or A Law Suit Filed Against Me

I'd like some protection against the egregious use of incorrect capitalization. Goodness gracious.
reply to Alleykat; Dipper; & 1911

I did not intend this to be a joke..... Alleycat; Dipper; & 1911....
I would hope the three of you have "Auto--Home & Health Insurance".. None of us are looking for something for nothing -------- Just trying to receive assistance for our needs...........Nothing more intended with purchase of Libility Insurance for CCW..........Nothing More----- Looking for something for nothing---- not hardly--------- just looking ahead for potential trouble-- much like "Katrina" ---------- Anyone with half a brain is always looking to protect their interest with coverage available.....Not to take advantage of the system nor the Government -- as some of you cutie pies assume ---------- I'm from Louisiana-------- If your ass don't carry here in New Orleans ---- you are looking for trouble.... UNDERSTAND NOW ???????? Or is that over some of your heads ????
I hope this meets with spelling--capitalization and sentence structure for you nitwits.....keep your sense of humor now----- all you perfectionist........
You might check Lloyd's of London. They write some "out of the ordinary" policies. Maybe Chubb Group.

What these folks have told you about the difference between coverage for an accidental act vs. intentional act.

If you are serious about this, check out Lloyd's.

It would be a lot easier for us to read and understand whatever it is that you are trying to say if you would correctly use punctuation. It would also be nice if you would use complete sentences. There is a reason that rules were developed for capitalization and punctuation. And by the way, calling me a nitwit is not likely to get me to help you.
bluemax: Nothing that I wrote was intended to be my response to a joke. I offered you the best advice that I could give. Generally, the kind of insurance that you want doesn't exist. I mentioned pre-paid legal services. Does that sound like a joke, to you?

I also mentioned that many states have laws that protect citizens from lawsuits filed in legitmate cases of s.d. Does that sound like a joke to you?

What is a joke is that you live in a place run by a group of dumbass DemocRATs who couldn't pour piss out of a boot, if the instructions were written on the heel. Can't help you much with that. Maybe Mayor Nagin can.
Wow Alleykat, don't sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel.

Bluemax, I sue all types of individuals with all types of insurance companies, and I am not aware of the kind of coverage you are looking for actually exists.

A personal umbrella policy is pretty cheap, the only requirements usually are that you have a minimum of $250/500 auto liability insurance.

If you are serious, check out Lloyd's of London.
Wow Alleykat, don't sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel.

I'm still pissed about the Katrina debacle, caused by state and local DemocRATs who were either too incompetent or too chicken to act responsibly! :)

BTW, Books, how do you like my idea about sending kids to law school?:p
Thanks !!! Appreciate All The Good Advice...?

I Really Don't Need To Go Further.... I Think Most Of You Summed It Up Well....There's No Such Animal Available .. Agreed....Perhaps There Should Be --- Maybe One Of These Days....
Regarding New Orleans Politics ----------- It's That Way In Most Large Cities ---- With Democrat Leadership ----
U R Too Much 1911, HaHa !!!
Have A Great 2008--- All Of Ya !!! Max

You might be interested in the following:

Also, understand that auto, home, life insurance etc. insures against unforeseen, unintentional acts. You are asking for insurance against the purposeful act of killing another human being, which is an intentional act. For example, your home insurance policy will not cover you if you purposefully set fire to your own home, but if you accidently catch it on fire while BBQing, no problem.

Now, having said the above, the NRA does have a liability insurance policy that you might want to look into, but be sure to check out the limits of coverage.

Marty Hayes, President
The Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network, LLC.