LI DA Rice makes nine arrests


New member
several gun store owners on Long Island were arrested including the owner of the store who sent my Walther to S&W for repair and who is holding my 617 until I get the purchase permit from NYPD.

Here is the story and video link

I honestly don't understand what the owner did wrong and what he could be charged with. The rifle was being sold unmodified and in a configuration that was legal for sale and the store owner clearly stated that if the gun were modified it would not be legal. So why was he arrested?

And this store, and the others included in the arrest, sell to Licensed NY State and NY City gun and/or rifle permit owners and getting a gun or rifle permit in NY is among the most difficult in the Country.

Controlling collapsable stocks is crucial to the prevention of crime. It's obvious.

Oh, maybe that's why I don't live there anymore. :mad:

Given how much trials cost, is the money well spent protecting NY from collapsable stocks?

Actually, Glenn, it's worse than that....

it only becomes an eeevil weapon if it has a collapsible stock and AT LEAST TWO other terrible, horrendous, useless features that only a mass murderer would want, like....

a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;

a bayonet mount;

a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;

a grenade launcher......

Don't you see the logic? Clearly, a grenade launcher and collapsible stock won't hurt anyone, but if you add a bayonet mount, well, now it's a serial killers weapon.:rolleyes:
I protect America by not having a bayonet! Otherwise, I would be driven crazy.

Weren't the guys busted because of the stock being easy to transform into the crazy killer stock - that's what I got from the story.
Yeah, what they were doing, evidently, was making the collapsible stock "not" collapsible by putting a pin in it. Apparently, it was too easily "reversible". The stock by itself isn't really the problem though, the guns also had at least two of those other evil features.

I mean, there's not much you can do with a collapsible stock, but add a bayonet lug and a flash suppressor, it's automatically a killing machine, don't ya know.
I personally know one of the Defendants. He wont go down without a fight. Expect to see 2nd Am issues raised.

WildimsogladiliveinAlaska ™©2002-2011
New York state, like a few others, still has on the books their own, home-grown version of the Federal assault weapons ban. But so few states have this on the books that the manufacturers don't actually manufacture fake collapsible stocks for guns like the AR-15. Instead, for the guns slated for the states that still have an AWB in effect, they take a standard collapsible stock and either pin it, or glue it with epoxy. Once that's done, it is a fixed stock; it not collapsible according to any standard definition of the word.

This is a classic example of retribution by a rogue cop. Wild, I hope in addition to 2nd Amendment issues your friend also raises the issue of deprivation of civil rights under color of law.
GEM said:
Controlling collapsable stocks is crucial to the prevention of crime. It's obvious.

Oh, maybe that's why I don't live there anymore.

Given how much trials cost, is the money well spent protecting NY from collapsable stocks?


I was thinking something extremely similar today. The BATFE has an annual budget of 1.12 billion USD. How many school buses for inner cities can that buy? How many armed guards at the worst of the worst of those inner cities school can that buy (and they'd already be armed!)? How many mass murderers have been prevented by the BATFE?
Not the ATF...this time

Nothing in the story mentions the ATF or any violation, or arrests due to Federal laws being broken. Because NO Federal laws were broken. The AWB of 94 sunset in 2004, removing Federal laws convering assault weapons.

What we have here is violations of New York state laws, and a zealous prosecution.

Clearly the public safety and New York budget will be improved by prosecuting men who pinned collapsable stocks in a manner "too easy to remove."

In these times, one would think we have more important issues to deal with. Unfortunately, the world, has great numbers of small people with small vision.
Actually, the manufacturer of the firearm probably pinned the stock before shipping it. This is nothing but a witch hunt, pure and simple. Retaliation for not being a properly subservient serf.
"In these times, one would think we have more important issues to deal with. Unfortunately, the world, has great numbers of small people with small vision."

Kathleen Rice the Nassau County DA who is involved in these cases ran for NYS Attorney General in the last election. She spent a lot of money, and at one point had an enormous lead. However as she opened her mouth, and voters were exposed to her, her lead evaporated and she was trounced. She is a very ambitious, arrogant individual. Very dangerous traits in a prosecutor. I hope she gets trounced again in these cases.
Nothing in the story mentions the ATF or any violation, or arrests due to Federal laws being broken. Because NO Federal laws were broken. The AWB of 94 sunset in 2004, removing Federal laws convering assault weapons.

What we have here is violations of New York state laws, and a zealous prosecution.

Clearly the public safety and New York budget will be improved by prosecuting men who pinned collapsable stocks in a manner "too easy to remove."

In these times, one would think we have more important issues to deal with. Unfortunately, the world, has great numbers of small people with small vision.

I know the ATF isn't in the story, I was just merely expanding Glenn's point to a national scale cuz I had been thinking about it earlier in the day. In the shower, actually. :D
Is the NRA aware and following this? The outcome of this can very well set a precedent for the future in NY and other states.
I saw the Suffolk Count attack on the trap range this morning. Browning, the SC Legislator pushing for the closure, actually represents my district (where the range is).

I have given up a couple days pay to stand around town/county meetings for their games trying to close the range and hope not to have to do so again.
I have been to many of the town hall meetings to keep Suffolk Trap & Skeet open All pro Second Admn't people should go demonstrate in opposition to what is going on.
Theres stuff going on on Long Island we all need to rally against on A'2 issues
What happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY these eletiest fools are out of control. I really wish I could express my self but must manage self control so not to paint a bad picture of a outraged gun owner
I personally know one of the Defendants. He wont go down without a fight. Expect to see 2nd Am issues raised.

WildimsogladiliveinAlaska ™©2002-2011

He won't go down without a fight? Wasn't NY where the cliche, "You can't fight City Hall." was coined? Good luck with that.

I'm glad I live in America, Wild. Too bad this guy (and the rest of NY) does not.