lever gun questions

brass shower

New member
Does anyone know if one can safely chamber and fire 44 mags or specials through a 444 Marlin? They sure look like they're close in case diameter but I've never measured.
Jeez, no. Ya can't do that, dontcha know. (Sorry, I was just watching "Fargo" again.)

Even if you could get a 44 Mag or Spcl in the chamber you could have a blow out. The 444 is about an inch longer and the web is quite a bit larger in diameter than the 44. The low and med weight bullets are the same, of course.
I wouldn't recomend it, either. The differences between the 44 Spl and Mag are small enough, but the 444 is a different critter altogether.

Mal, "So I guess that was your accomplice there in the chipper?" Great movie, one of my faves! :)

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
The .444 is larger at the base. Your shorter rounds will probably go bang but I wouldn't subject my rifle to it.

Remember the scene with the Chinese guy and lady cop at the restaurant/lounge? The one where he starts crying and says, "I've been soooo lonely". I always thought that it would be fun to imitate that on a first date and see the expression on the woman's face and see how long it took her to extract herself.
Oh ja, it took Margie about 45 nanoseconds to leave him.

I guess this turned into a dual purpose thread. I always laugh at the guy (the one who ended up in the chipper) who is so incredulous that the old man shot him in the face when all he did to the man was shoot him without any warning. Actually a pretty good depiction of a criminal mind.
Hey, seeing Steve Buscemi turned into little chunks is always a Good Thing. (yaa? yaaaa.)

BOT, I wouldn't try it, Matt. Besides, why would you want to fire a wimpy little .44 Mag when you can scare the hell outta the guy in the next lane with the .444?

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited November 10, 1999).]
444 marlin, hmmm, whatcha doing with that rifle? Are you looking for some kinda action?

"what kinda action?"I said And he said "Woman kinda action. I'm going nuts." And I said "Look buddy,this ain't that kinda place." And he said "Do you think this some kind a 'F'n joke?" Course he don't say "F"'n ya know. He said "The last guy who thought I was joking ain't around no more, and I don't mean an old age."

And then what.
And then I call you. End of story.
Just for grins, just to see if I could do it, just for the extra magazine capacity, just for blasting (444=ouch, especially on the wallet), and just in case it was all I had.

Off to a different question, does anyone know of a levergun in 357 maximum or 445 supermag? (I just like the idea of not having to break the bank when practicing with it by using magnum or special loads in it)
I've got a Marlin chambered for 357 mag. My wife and brother bought the gun for me around a dozen years ago and I've got an emotional attachment to it but wanted to get a little extra oomph out of it. One day, I compared velocity figures for Dan Wesson revolver and TC Contenders for the magnum versus the maximum and found quite a snappy little jump for the maximum round. I did a little extra research on having a Maximum conversion done to my rifle.

Let me say this first. If you truly want "rifle" power out of a lever gun, buy a rifle chambered for a real rifle round. Now, having said that, there were several gunsmiths that I found on-line that said that something like that was possible. They even went so far as to say that the gun would still chamber the magnum rounds. I still haven't made up my mind on this subject and other projects have gotten in the way of this. I don't know if I have any of the email correspondence filed away anywhere. Feel free to contact me directly if you'd like my to do a little rummaging around for it.


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Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society