Lever Action .22RF


I am looking into getting a lever action .22.
What do you think is the best one.(I know-loaded question.) I do want a tube fed gun. I've been looking at the Browning BL22. I like it's short throw. Browning is also anti-Klinton! Are there any things I should look for in particular? Thanks everybody.

P.S. I'm 16. I already have the required 10/22 (actually we have a couple) and love going to the range with my Dad, RugerGuy.
Take a look at the Marlin lever actions. I had a 39a that I wish I had back. Smooth, tight action and a VERY good shooter.

Be careful what you ask for..You may get it.
I have only shot 1 .22 lever gun, and that was 2 weeks ago. However, I don't know how I will ever shoot a finer one. It was my uncle's Winchester 94/22. It wasn't sighted in, but the group it was shooting at 25yds w/ open sights could have been covered with a quarter. Smooth action, flawless fuctioning, and nice wood and blued finish. I think it held 14 long rifle rounds, but will shoot all 3 types. That is one sweet rifle. I hope I can own one someday when my $$$ situation will allow it.

Don't turn around, uh oh oh, der kommisar is in town, uh oh oh!
I think you've got the right one with the Browning. I have one and love it. Never a problem or jam, its balanced very well, and shoots straight. The other lever actions I've seen, marlin and winchesters, are definately second class. (Don't get me wrong, they are good guns too.) :D
I have both a Winchester and a Browning in .22 lever guns. The Winchester is by far the better of the 2. I love the fit and finish of the Browning, as well as the Browning's ability to feed any ammo. The Winchester is just a better shooter though.

Strange as it may sound, I like the longer throw of the Winchester over the short throw of the Browning. One of the reasons I like lever guns is the act of levering them, and the Winchester gives a little more of that.

Both have had to make trips back to the factory. The Winchester for feed problems, and the Browning for trigger work. Both companies were compareable in the treatment I recieved.

Neither are as accurate as my ancient Marlin/Glenfield model 60, or my scoped Ruger Mark II, but I went lever action because I like it, not to win any matches. This isn't a slam against the lever guns, as they are not the best choice for top accuracy. That being said, there isn't really that much difference between dime sized holes and nickle sized holes.

I give the edge to the Winchester for returning more bang for the buck, decent customer service and better out of the box feel. The Browning may be just a tad too pretty. It says I like being the center of attention with my deep blue and gold trigger, and just the right combination of straight and curved lines. The Winchester says "let's go shoot". Lots like a burger and fries as opposed to a steak dinner.

Browning, Winchester and Marlin are all comparable with classic lines and general high quality. I believe Ruger also makes a lever action in .22, but I just don't care for the looks of it. Like all Rugers though, it should run like a "truck", meaning indestructible. I have no experience with the Henry line, but from what I've heard, they aren't the best choice.

Let us know what you end up with. Since you already have a 10/22, it sounds like this is to be a "fun gun, take along on a hike in the woods, go to the range and have a blast" type. Lever actions were made for that ;)
I just picked up a Win.9422 and although I've never been a 94 fan I am most imressed with this fine little piece - I got the trapper. Anyway, tried it out in the backyard with Win. CB shorts and was absolutely amazed at the accuracy. The sound of impact on the bullet trap was louder than the report. What a sweetheart and a keeper. Very good fit and finished and well machined and it's not sloppy like the "thurdy-thurdy" 94s.
Also had the browning but prefer the Winchester.

"Keep shootin till they quit floppin"
The Wife 2/2000
Looks like you have two ways to go: Either get the one where there's a little voice saying, "Take me home with you!" (Apparently the Browning); or the one you've compared against others at a shooting range.

But if the Browning turns out to be less than what you expected, you can always trade it. I really expect that you'd be quite happy with it, though.

Have fun, Art
I've had a Browning BL-22 since 1973. It's simply a fantastic little gun. You won't win any smallbore matches with it, but it's a great squirrel tamer. And with the short lever throw, there's probably not another lever action anywhere that allows for faster follow-up shots.
I've had a Browning BL-22 since 1973. It's simply a fantastic little gun. You won't win any smallbore matches with it, but it's a great squirrel tamer. And with the short lever throw, there's probably not another lever action anywhere that allows for faster follow-up shots.
I've had a Browning BL-22 since 1973. It's simply a fantastic little gun. You won't win any smallbore matches with it, but it's a great squirrel tamer. And with the short lever throw, there's probably not another lever action anywhere that allows for faster follow-up shots.
I have a Marlin 39A that I have had since I was 8 years old, (I'm 35 now), and that gun has had literally thousands of rounds run through it and it is still deadly accurate. It's a Marlin NRA Right To Bears Arms commemorative with an octagon barrel. It's been an incredibly good gun. HTH
Happy with my Win9422M. Only problem I had was one time I somehow caught my trigger finger between the trigger guard and the bottom of the trigger during cycling. Had pulled the lever hard enough (and a little too quickly) to draw blood. The oddest thing. Now I make sure I'm pointing at the target with my trigger finger when cycling. Would suggest the regular 9422 instead of the mag. Cheaper ammo, and will take short, long, and long rifle.

The only drawback to the rimfire levers is that plunger you have pull out to load the mag. Not only is it a small hassle but if you bend it too bad you're SOL until you get a replacement. (Except the Ruger 96/22, of course, which has the same mag as the 10/22.)

- Ron V.
I've got a Winchester 9422 that I picked up used at a gunshow about 15 years ago. I can't praise this rifle enough. Smooth action, handles great and a whole lot more accurate than I'll ever be. If I should ever be forced down to only one gun (God forbid!) this would be it.

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!
After playing around with Winchester, Browning, Marlin, Ruger, and Henry lever actions I went with the Winchester. Of all of them the Winchester had the best `feel' to it's action and was `out of the box' more accurate even with the wimpy `buckhorn' sights. After replacing the sights with Williams `FireSights' it has become my main bunny buster replacing a Winchester Model 61 pump .22 I've had for years. (The model 61 is still in great condition and I actually only replaced it with the 9422 because I really didn't want to shoot out an old `friend' just keeping the rabbits out of my wife's gardens.) Also... Of all the tube feed lever actions the 9422's retaining setup felt, to me, to be the most solid yet easiest to use. Guess it just might be that it also had the same `feel' that my `old friend' has, too. {GRIN!}

I also have to tend to agree with whomever it was that said the the way the lever moved just had the feel of `Alright! Let's get on with this. Now!" The Browning was kinda `sexy' with it's short throw and contained trigger but it just didn't `feel' like it was a `working' rifle that'd be `comfortable' banging around in the rack in the cab of my pickup or the back deck of my Explorer.

Also, of all the others, it was the only one that seemed to be able to `digest' just about anything I might want to `feed' it. (Again, like my `old friend' the model 61.) One might have to fire a few rounds to quickly check just where they are going. But after that, until you run out of whatever it is you grabbed, the shots just keep going right where you point.

I did make one concession to my `antique' eyes a while back. I went and mounted a Millet `Red Dot' sight on it. Really sped things up! And in matte finish really looks pretty good on it.

Get the 9422 `Legacy' model and you'll never look back! (Unless you like a `straight' stock and then the 9422 `Traditional' model would be the one.) {GRIN!}

Doleo ergo sum,