Leupold VX6 HD 3-18x50


New member
Took my new to me McMillin G30 Dynasty .270WSM out the range with the subj scope on it. I bought the scope at Cabelas a couple of months ago but then got a great deal on a Swarovski X5 and never used it. So anyway, I put the scope on the Mac, bore sighted it at 25 yards and headed to the range. I shot three rounds at 25 yards and I was on the paper so I went out to 100 yards to zero it. Not bad huh.. Read on below the pic.


One small problem, I was on the lead sled and shooting at the target on the left. I adjusted the windage to max left and took another shot while my buddy watched. It didn't move left, it moved right off the target so I went max right and it was way out to the right somewhere.

Of course I'm thinking that the bases are out of whack so I take the scope off my Model 70 (Burris Eliminator) and put it on the Mac and it shot a great group so nope, it wasn't the bases or the rifle. Later I realized the bases couldn't cause that problem.

I boxed it back up and sent it off to Leupold for repair and I can't wait to hear what they find. Actually, I doubt they'll tell me and will just send me another scope. They're known to do that. I'll let you all know what happens. I've never, ever, had a problem with a Leupold scope so I'm really surprised to be having this issue.
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