Leupold RX1200i with TBR


New member
I just purchased this range finder and am a little confused. As a quick background, I'm very familiar with long range shooting and external ballistics. I've shot out to 1000 meters before. I regularly use jbmballistics.com to come up with appropriate shooting tables (with in an hour and a half drive from my home, I can shoot at elevations from 4500 ft to over 12000 ft and weather can easily vary from 20-90 degrees throughout the year).

On to my question. I'm trying to pick the TBR performance group for my long range rifle. 260 Rem shooting 140 or 142 grain bullets at about 2750 fps. I am going to pick my group based off of the 800 yard table listed in the manual.

The manual asks for the "bullet path" and specifically mentions that the bullet path is not the bullet drop, but doesn't explain what it is. How do I calculate my "bullet path"? In my mind, the bullet path is a line on a graph showing distance on horizantal axis and drop on the vertical axis. The choices I have are from -96" to -236" and this must come off of a 200 or 300 yard zero. I'm pretty sure this is just a terminology question, but I'm just not picking up on what they are asking for.
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