Leupold QR setup for hunting/reloading


New member
All - I need to give a Christmas wish list to my in laws and am currently saving up for a Model 70 in 7MM-08. I will be hunting deer from stands at ranges from 50 to 200 yards. I think a Leupold VX-3i 2.5-8 x 36mm is what I want. I will be asking for bases/rings for Christmas list.

What do you think about the Leupold QR base (with lever) and low rings for this application? My intent is that I can get two sets of rings and when I get into pinpoint accuracy reloading I can use a higher magnification scope (maybe 12-16x) that I can pop on the QR base. Even though I plan to re zero and test each time, that sure beats changing scope and rings every time from a work perspective!
They work as advertised. But are quite heavy. Once zeroed and taken off the rifle I've never had to re-zero when putting it back on. In fact for a lot less money any standard Weaver style mount will do the same thing. The only difference is that you'll need a screwdriver to get the rings and scope off.

But you really don't need 2 scopes. The 2.5-8X36 you have in mind is more than adequate for shooting well past 200 yards. I'd put a set of Talley Lightweights on there with that scope and call it good. You'll never need anything else.
My intent is that I can get two sets of rings and when I get into pinpoint accuracy reloading I can use a higher magnification scope (maybe 12-16x) that I can pop on the QR base.
That sounds like the perfect reason to just buy a new rifle and save all that set up work every time ;)
I have the Weaver base and it works quite well. Don't remember it being overly expensive either.