Leupold Lemon? Beware!


Over my many years of hunting and target shooting, I have owned several Leupolds and never had the issues that I have now.
A few years back I purchased a Leupold Mark IV M1 with lit reticle. I wanted a second tactical scope with a lit/thin reticle. I already had a Nightforce. I should have purchased a second Nightforce. . Since my Nightforce is on my bolt gun and a sub-minute tack driver, I didn’t want to remove it. I also own a steel Swarovski and Schmidt Bender scope (both fixed Objective), whose glass is second to none, but their reticles are very thick and almost cover a 3” bull’s eye at 200 yds. I mostly use 3” “shoot-n-see” bull’s eyes.
If I really take my time, M1A and Swarovski combination keeps 150 SMKs inside the 3” bull’s eye at 200 yds. If it is windy, of course, the groups open up or elongate, depending on wind. Since, the Mark IV was supposed to provide me a finer reticle; I was hoping to reduce my M1A’s groups.
I also own an older Leupold LPS which was and is a very clear scope, but not a tactical one. I don’t recall ever having any issues with it. I requested a reticle change out a couple of years back. Leupold completed the task in a timely manner.
Immediately, after mounting the Mark IV on my SA M1A, I notice clarity issues. So, I sent Mark IV back to Leupold and remounted my Swarovski. Leupold returned the Mark IV in the same condition. Clarity sucked. Using side focus, the bull’s eye was never as crisp compared to other scopes mentioned above. In addition, if I adjusted black part of “shoot-n-see” bull’s eye to be as clear as I could adjust it, I could not see orange center spot. Dialing out parallax caused the image to go fuzzy too, but x hairs didn’t “dance.” I had to compromise. I sent it back again. Same old -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-..... In fairness to Leupold, I wear prescription bi-focals, so I am definitely at a disadvantage and this might cause issues with parallax adjustments, but then a Leupold tech informed me, with words to the effect, that the LPS was a clearer scope and way ahead of its time. Hum… I left Leupold in box and stored it inside my safe. $1000+ pissed away!
My Swarovski "fogged” so I sent it back to Swarovski and remounted Mark IV. My M1A's groups went to hell. POI shifted or tracked. I couldn’t adjust and maintain POI. I have shot my M1A many times so I became suspicious of possible barrel issues, never dreaming the Mark IV's maintaining adjustment was the issue. I sent about 200 Sierra’s down range reworking 8208 and 4895 for pet loads, but the results were the same. I suspected I needed a new Krieger barrel. NOT SO!
Before -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- away several hundred bucks on a new barrel, I waited for Swarovski to return and remounted. Pet load of both 8208 and 4895 returned. Hum… Not only did Mark IV lack clarity, but its adjustment feature was below PAR. I suspect that I had bought a “lemon.”
To prove my point, I sent several 150 SMKs (pet loads) down range using Swarovski and then Mark IV, using the same M1A at 200yds. It was a windy day but the results showed a 50% wider group using the Mark IV vs. Swarovski. I photo'ed group differences and included them in an email to Leupold along with my complaints of this scope being a “lemon.” I resent, and resent again, and again. As of 2/24/16 no response…..
go higher up the food chain, i have had good customer service from leupold for 40 odd years. some one at the leupold service dept is dropping the ball. eastbank.
Sounds weird. My only experience with Leupold repairs was that the scope was fixed and returned a day before I received their email telling me that it was on the way. :D About a ten-day turnaround time.
Disguised rant? I've owned Leupold scopes (lots of them) for going on fifty years with out one single issue. I shoot a lot, more than 99% of all the shooters on here and I've never had a problem. Not saying it can't happen but after reading your entire post several times, it just doesn't add up. Many of my shooting friends (major comp. shooters) use their scopes and I've never heard a bad word form them either. I've met a few who had to send them back for one reason or another and had nothing but good things to say about them. I'm coming to the conclusion that I shouldn't buy anything from anyone. Every day on the net you find someone bad mouthing one company or another, telling you why you shouldn't buy company X's product because company Y's is better and treated you better. What exactly is the point of your post? Just sell the scope if you don't like it. There's a big market for used scopes, especially Leupolds who transfer the warranty with no questions asked. Someone will buy it and you'll get some of your money back. Why cry about it sitting in the safe forever and all your money lost? Sell it and move on.
I've had three Leupolds turn toes up. Sent them back in and they came back better than every. No complaints there

Bought a pricey Minox a while back, mounted it on a rifle, put the collimator in place and the elevation adjusted just right. Went to do the windage and it would/could not reach the center of the view. Called Minox with my problem and they said to send it in I did and it was back in two weeks and working perfectly. Now I just have to get the lead out and mount it on the rifle.
Paul B.
I've had Weaver and Redfield scopes die on me, but that was years ago. Had a Nikon Monarch 4-16 die on me a couple of years ago. And recently a Leupold VX2 6-18 had to go back to the shop. I suppose that things just break from time to time, and I'm not going to get all bent out of shape over it.

As for glass, the new VX3 4.5-14 that I have on the 270 is mighty nice, and (to me) is sharper than the Vortex Viper 4-16 PST ffp I have on the 260. But the Vortex is plenty sharp enough and I really do like it, and it will stay on that rifle.

If I really thought I needed a Nightforce or a Swarovski, heck, I'd buy one. But the truth is that I just don't need one to do what I do. And I'm not hunting with customers any more and don't need to impress anyone. If I told my wife I had a Nightforce scope she'd yawn - till I told her what I paid, and then she'd go for the rolling pin and I'd go for the back door. :)
Well Tank, if it makes you feel better I have had to send two of my four NightForce scopes back because they grouped like crud at 1k. I have also had to send one Leupold back twice.
No rant...just trying to figure out -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- is going on and if I am alone. Apparently not! M14 forum post had a guy that responded that his students experienced same from Mark 4 as I. As of this post, Leupold still hasn't responded to my 3 email requests. THAT IS WORTH RANTING OVER!!!
keep on 'em

That much money for glass, and an outfit with the reputation that Leupold has (mostly positive) you can rant.

Keep after'em......sounds like a lemon to me.
Leupold's customer service has gone down hill. Their wait times have in many cases gotten quite long compared to what they used to be. They actually told me that they were a lot busier than they used to be and their wait times had increased. Then they went on to tell me that if I wanted quicker turn around time to contact them when it was not deer season.
Reynolds, it's not because everyone at Leupold is out deer hunting, though that is possible. Deer season is when all the once a year shooters find out they have a problem with their equipment.
Yes but a really busy repair department is indicative of poor quality issues.
Not necessarily, when said company advertises that they'll clean, inspect, purge, and reseal any of their Gold Ring products at no charge. ...With current methods and materials.

From what I understand, they also handle CDS installations (very popular), parallax adjustments, and certain custom orders.

My father thought he was having issues with an old Leupold (1.5-4x28mm?) that suddenly lost zero and didn't have enough windage to get it back.
He sent the scope in for repair, and they found that he had simply maxed it out; and they suggested he check his rings and bases (which were loose ;)).
But, they advised him at that time that they'd do the "clean and tweak" service to any Gold Ring product, at any time, if he sent it in.
I've seen quite a few mentions by other people of the same type of service over the last year, or so.

Over the next 3-4 months, my father sent them five more scopes that were perfectly fine. He just wanted them cleaned, filled with the new gas blend, and sealed with new o-rings.

At this time, it would be customary for me to poke fun at him for doing that (paying for shipping on each scope, plus the cost of sighting each rifle back in, just for "free" factory service) ...but I'm probably going to be sending in my early '80s Vari-X III 6.5-20x50mm for exactly the same thing.
It's perfectly fine, other than the fact that it has the 'wrong' gas blend in it (if there's any left) and the seals are now 35+ years old. ;)
i can tell you the same kind of stories about the good leupold service, but i,ll only bore you with one. i sent a 4.5x14 lps 52 in for service and instead of servicing(i was not the original buyer) it they sent me a new 4.5x14 with side focus 30mm tube and cds on their dime. do some slip thru the cracks, do some develop problems? yes. but when making thousands and thousands of scopes thru the years and still servicing them no matter what went wrong or misues they went thru to repair or replace is fantistic to me. and if you can, tell me of one scope maker who will stand behind one of their 50-60 year old scope now owned by the fifth or tenth owner bought at a flea market fogged, cracked glass or interals messes up. cat got your tougue. eastbank.
I've had great AND bad luck with Leupold's CS.

My 5 different 7.5 and 8x were all bought used and all sent back for
installation of their CPC reticle.
Actual work and turn around were great.

The only Leupold I've bought new in the box from a major supplier
was an 8x that I also sent back for the CPC.
This time however, I also mentioned that the scope did not focus to clarity (it was and still is obvious!).

Leupold sent it back with the new cross hairs but said clarity was fine.

I could lay out all six rifles with the Leupold's on a table for any of you to look thru.
(I actually have done this several times).
When you got to the suspect scope (The view is best described as slightly blurry- like the lenses are smudged.),
you would bring the rifle back down
to check the lenses for cleaning and then offer to focus it for me.

I chalk this lesson up to buying new. LOL
