letters to congresscritters


New member
My wife just sent this to our senate and house representatives in response to seeing Sarah Brady on CNN.

With the approaching end of the AWB I've seen the supporters of the ban making endless claims that the American public will be put in grave danger if the ban is allowed to expire. Odd, since the AWB only banned weapons with cosmetic features that had no impact on the way the weapons functioned and that weapons complying with the cosmetic restrictions of the AWB quickly replaced those previously manufactured. Even though there was no change in availability of military-style semiautomatic weapons firearms-related deaths have dropped, deaths due to rifles have dropped, while the controversy motivated people that would have never been interested in military-styled rifles to buy them making more available.

Being a health professional (physical therapist, masters nursing, nurse practioner, certified occupational health nurse) none of this points to the conclusion that these "assault" weapons increase accidental or criminal death rates. This means that the AWB served no practical purpose. Simply put, if banning cosmetic features on military-style rifles had a beneficail effect on accidental and criminal death rates then certanly banning oval grills on cars will reduce vehicle deaths. The AWB has proven to be a failure and continuing to cling to it in the face of facts is as pointless as continuing to believe in demonic possession as the basis for disease.