Letter to the Editors


New member
In a useless effort to shame the press I've sent the following e-mail to all the major TV news organizations and several papers:


Has anyone else noticed an obvious bias in ALL TV news and most newspaper reporting: It seems that whenever citizens band together in a grassroots effort to protect the 2nd Amendment they are always referred to by the press as the "gun lobby", while those that band together to oppose the 2nd Amendment are gun control "advocates"? Funny huh? Anti-2nd amendment journalists want to effect public opinion by slanting their stories - lobbies are meant to be seen as negative and of course advocates are meant to be seen as positive. Does this remind anyone of the days (early 70's) when in news stories nearly all Democrats had 'friends' and Republicans always had 'cronies'? They mean the same thing but the slant was meant to cast aspersions on Republication.

Tell me - if (God forbid) it was the 1st Amendment that was under fire (maybe a 5 day cooling-off/fact verification period before reporting a story?) would it be the "yellow journalism lobby" vs. the "fact verification advocates"? Just checking...
