Letter to the Editor


New member
In an article entitled "Women fight back" http://www.boulderweekly.com/archive/041306/waynesword.html in the April 13 - 19 "Boulder Weekly" paper, Wayne Laugesen lamented the ineffectiveness of the annual "Take Back the Night" march in Boulder. He wonders and laments the absence of firearms as a recommended deterent to rape and sexual assault.

I include, here, my response which was published this week (April 20 - 27)


Letters the week of 4/20/06

Guns and rape

(Re: "Women fight back," Wayne's Word, April 13.) For years I have used the signature line: "Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose is morally superior to allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm."

Yet women's groups, including the National Organization for Women (NOW), discourage women from using the most effective method of preventing or stopping a sexual assault -- firearms. They claim, "They will take it away from you and use it on you," and cite cases of police officers being shot with their own weapon as proof. "If a professional can have their gun taken from them, what chance do you have?" they moan.

What they fail to realize is this: To discourage aggression in a sexual assault situation is to encourage passivity. They tell women, "Give them what they want. Get a good description for the police. Call 911. Carry a cell phone."

All noble recommendations, but nothing beats calling 911 on your cell phone and saying, "Yes, I know what he looks like. He's laying here on the ground at my feet. No ... I'm not hurt."

Jim Peel/Longmont